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The PF_EventUnion in PF_EventExtra is a union of the four following structures.


A mouse click or drag occurred within the custom UI's area.


Member Purpose
when The (OS-level) time at which the click occurred.
screen_point Where, in screen coordinates, the click occurred. For Custom Comp UI, these coordinates can be converted to composition coordinates using the UI Callbacks.
See the CCU sample project for an example.
num_clicks The number of clicks that occurred.
modifiers Which modifier keys (if any) were held down during click.
continue_refcon[4] An array of 4 A_intptr_t the plug-in can use to store information during a click-drag-drag sequence.
send_drag Set this flag to TRUE to indicate continued dragging. The next click event will then effectively be a drag event.
last_time Set when the drag event ends (the user has released the mouse button).


After Effects needs your custom UI to refresh.

Note: when handling draw requests, use the image dimensions provided in PF_InData (rather that the dimensions of your input layer, as you would during PF_Cmd_RENDER).


Member Purpose
update_rect The rectangle in which to draw, in the context window's coordinate system. These coordinates can be converted to different coordinate systems using the UI Callbacks.
See the CCU sample project for an example.
depth Pixel depth of the drawing context.


The user pressed a key, and the effect's UI is active.

Use the macros in AE_EffectUI.h to access and manipulate the key codes received.

In order to receive keydown events in Premiere Pro, plug-ins must set PF_CustomEFlag_COMP in during PF_Cmd_PARAM_SETUP.


Member Purpose
when Time at which the click occurred.
screen_point Screen coordinate of the mouse pointer when the key was pressed.
For Custom Comp UI, these coordinates can be converted to composition coordinates using the UI Callbacks.
See the CCU sample project for an example.
key_code Either a character code (for printable characters, we use the unshifted upper case version; A not a, 7 not &), or a control code:
  • PF_ControlCode_Unknown
  • PF_ControlCode_Space
  • PF_ControlCode_Backspace
  • PF_ControlCode_Tab
  • PF_ControlCode_Return
  • PF_ControlCode_Enter
  • PF_ControlCode_Escape
  • PF_ControlCode_F1
  • ...
  • PF_ControlCode_F24
  • PF_ControlCode_PrintScreen
  • PF_ControlCode_ScrollLock
  • PF_ControlCode_Pause
  • PF_ControlCode_Insert
  • PF_ControlCode_Delete
  • PF_ControlCode_Home
  • PF_ControlCode_End
  • PF_ControlCode_PageUp
  • PF_ControlCode_PageDown
  • PF_ControlCode_Help
  • PF_ControlCode_Clear
  • PF_ControlCode_Left
  • PF_ControlCode_Right
  • PF_ControlCode_Up
  • PF_ControlCode_Down
  • PF_ControlCode_NumLock
  • PF_ControlCode_Command
  • PF_ControlCode_Option
  • PF_ControlCode_Alt = PF_ControlCode_Option
  • PF_ControlCode_Control
  • PF_ControlCode_Shift
  • PF_ControlCode_CapsLock
  • PF_ControlCode_ContextMenu
modifiers Which (if any) modifier keys were down during the key press.
  • PF_Mod_NONE
  • PF_Mod_CMD_CTRL_KEY (cmd on Mac, ctrl on Windows)
  • PF_Mod_OPT_ALT_KEY (option on Mac, alt on Windows)


The cursor has moved onto (but not off of) the effect's custom UI, to allow the effect to change the cursor.


Member Purpose
screen_point Screen coordinate of the mouse pointer. For Custom Comp UI, these coordinates can be converted to composition coordinates using the UI Callbacks.
See the CCU sample project for an example.
modifiers What, if any, modifier keys were held down when the message was sent.
set_cursor Set this to your desired cursor, or PF_Cursor_CUSTOM if you have set the cursor yourself using OS-specific calls. See AE_EffectUI.h for a complete enumeration of built-in cursors.
If you don't want to override the cursor, set this to PF_Cursor_NONE, or simply ignore this message.

Arbitrary Parameters Event

After Effects needs your plug-in to manage it's arbitrary data parameter(s).

Though arbitrary data types are not required for custom UI support, PF_ArbParamsExtra follows the EventInfo model.


Member Purpose
which_function A PF_FunctionSelector indicating which function is called
id Used by After Effects; will match the ID assigned to the arbitrary data type during PF_Cmd_PARAM_SETUP.
padding Used for byte-alignment
u {
(One of these will be passed; see Arbitrary Data Parameters)