Color Space Conversion¶
Different pixel formats are useful for different operations. After Effects exposes its internal functions through PF_ColorCallbacksSuite. Here are the supported formats.
Pixel Types For Different Color Spaces¶
Pixel Type | Data Structure |
8 bpc ARGB | typedef struct { |
16 bpc ARGB | typedef struct { |
32 bpc ARGB | typedef struct { |
HLS (Hue, Lightness, Saturation) | typedef PF_Fixed PF_HLS_PIXEL[3] |
YIQ (luminance, in-phase chrominance, quadrature chrominance) | typedef PF_Fixed PF_YIQ_PIXEL[3] |
Plug-ins can draw on image processing algorithms written for nearly any color space by using the following callback functions.
Color Space Conversion Callbacks¶
Function | Purpose | Replaces |
RGBtoHLS | Given an RGB pixel, returns an HLS (hue, lightness, saturation) pixel. HLS values are scaled from 0 to 1 in fixed point. | PF_RGB_TO_HLS |
HLStoRGB | Given an HLS pixel, returns an RGB pixel. | PF_HLS_TO_RGB |
RGBtoYIQ | Given an RGB pixel, returns a YIQ (luminance, inphase chrominance, quadrature chrominance) pixel. Y is 0 to 1 in fixed point, I is -0.5959 to 0.5959 in fixed point, and Q is -0.5227 to 0.5227 in fixed point. |
YIQtoRGB | Given a YIQ pixel, returns an RGB pixel. | PF_YIQ_TO_RGB |
Luminance | Given an RGB pixel, returns 100 times its luminance value (0 to 25500). | PF_LUMINANCE |
Hue | Given an RGB pixel, eturns its hue angle mapped from 0 to 255, where 0 is 0 degrees and 255 is 360 degrees. | PF_HUE |
Lightness | Given an RGB pixel, returns its lightness value (0 to 255). | PF_LIGHTNESS |
Saturation | Given an RGB pixel, returns its saturation value (0 to 255). | PF_SATURATION |