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Artisan Data Types

Below are the data types most commonly used in the Artisan API.

Data Types Used In The Artisan API

Type Describes
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH State information at the time of a render request, sent to an Artisan by After Effects.
PR_RenderContextH A collection of settings defining what is to be rendered, and how.
AEGP_SoundDataH The audio settings used for a given layer.
Used by Artisans when rendering.
AEGP_WorldH A frame of pixels.
AEGP_RenderOptionsH The settings associated with a render queue item.

Horz? Vert?

After Effects' matrix is row based; OpenGL's is column based. This means more work for you. Yay, billable hours!

Implementation And Design

An Artisan is nearly an application unto itself. Because we realized early in the After Effects 5.0 that there are many ways to approach the problems inherent in 3D rendering; intersections and shading, for example.

We provided an API with which we and third parties (yes, we really do use our own APIs) could implement any 3D rendering scheme desired.

3D Compositing, Not Modeling

After Effects is not a 3D modeling application. Users work in a responsive mode, switching to higher quality only at for proofing or final output. Consider providing at least two quality modes, one for layout and another for final output. Be conscious of render time in low quality mode.

Registering An Artisan

An Artisan is an AEGP, and has a single entry point. Artisans must also register their own function entry points and have a special callback for this purpose. See AEGP_RegisterArtisan() from AEGP_RegisterSuites5.

This tables shows the functions that Artisans can support as defined by PR_ArtisanEntryPoints: only render_func is required.

Artisan Entry Points

global_setup_func0 Called only once, right after GP_Main. The global data is common across all instances of the plug-in.
If you allocate memory during Global Setup, you must free it during your global_setdown_func.
const PR_InData *in_dataP,
PR_GlobalContextH global_contextH,
PR_GlobalDataH *global_dataPH);
global_setdown_func0 Dispose of any global data you allocated.
const PR_InData *in_dataP,
PR_GlobalContextH global_contextH,
PR_GlobalDataH global_dataH);
global_do_about_func0 Tell the world about yourself! Use in_dataP>msg_func to display your dialog.
const PR_InData *in_dataP,
PR_GlobalContextH global_contextH,
PR_GlobalDataH global_dataH);
setup_instance_func0 Allocate and instantiate any data specific to this instance of your Artisan.
const PR_InData *in_dataP,
PR_GlobalContextH global_contextH,
PR_InstanceContextH instance_contextH,
PR_GlobalDataH global_dataH,
PR_InstanceFlags flags,
PR_FlatHandle flat_dataH0,
PR_InstanceDataH *instance_dataPH);
setdown_instance_func0 Deallocate and free any data specific to this instance of your Artisan.
const PR_InData *in_dataP,
PR_GlobalContextH global_contextH,
PR_InstanceContextH instance_contextH,
PR_GlobalDataH global_dataH,
PR_InstanceDataH instance_dataH);
flatten_instance_func0 Flatten your data in preparation to being written to disk. (making sure it's OS independent, if your Artisan is).
const PR_InData *in_dataP,
PR_GlobalContextH global_contextH,
PR_InstanceContextH instance_contextH,
PR_GlobalDataH global_dataH,
PR_InstanceDataH instance_dataH,
PR_FlatHandle *flatH);
do_instance_dialog_func0 If your Artisan has a additional parameters (accessed through its Options dialog), this function will be called to get and set them.
const PR_InData *in_dataP,
PR_GlobalContextH global_contextH,
PR_InstanceContextH instance_contextH,
PR_GlobalDataH global_dataH,
PR_InstanceDataH instance_dataH,
PR_DialogResult *resultP);

PR_DialogResultis is either PR_DialogResult_NO_CHANGE or PR_DialogResult_CHANGE_MADE.
frame_setup_func0 Perform any setup necessary to render a frame (called immediately before rendering).
const PR_InData *in_dataP,
PR_GlobalContextH global_contextH,
PR_InstanceContextH instance_contextH
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
PR_GlobalDataH global_dataH,
PR_InstanceDataH instance_dataH,
PR_RenderDataH *render_dataPH);
frame_setdown_func0 Dispose of any setup data allocated during frame_setup (sent immediately after rendering).
const PR_InData *in_dataP,
PR_GlobalContextH global_contextH,
PR_InstanceContextH instance_contextH
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
PR_GlobalDataH global_dataH,
PR_InstanceDataH instance_dataH,
PR_RenderDataH render_dataH);
render_func Render the scene.
const PR_InData *in_dataP,
PR_GlobalContextH global_contextH,
PR_InstanceContextH instance_contextH
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
PR_GlobalDataH global_dataH,
PR_InstanceDataH instance_dataH,
PR_RenderDataH render_dataH);
query_func0 Artisans can draw their own projection axes, should the need arise.
After Effects will call this function to obtain the transform between the composition world and those axes,
as well as for a number of other functions related to on- and off-screen
preview drawing (the former is relevant only to interactive artisans).
const PR_InData *in_dataP,
PR_GlobalContextH global_contextH,
PR_InstanceContextH instance_contextH
PR_QueryContextH query_contextH,
PR_QueryType query_type,
PR_GlobalDataH global_dataH,
PR_InstanceDataH instance_dataH);

PR_QueryType can be one of the following:
  • PR_QueryType_NONE = 0
  • PR_QueryType_TRANSFORM
New in CS6.

The World Is Your Canvas

AEGP_RenderTexture() supplies the raw pixels of a layer, untransformed, into an arbitrarily-sized buffer.

AEGP_RenderLayer() invokes the entire After Effects render pipeline, including transforms, masking, et cetera, providing the layer as it appears in its composition, in a composition-sized buffer.

If the layer being rendered is 3D, the default (Standard 3D) Artisan is invoked to perform any 3D geometrics.

Your Artisan can use this to render track matte layers, and apply them only in a strictly 2D sense, to the transformed 3D layer.

Before rendering, the Artisans that ship with After Effects apply an inverse transform to get square pixels, then re-apply the transform before display.

For example, if the pixel aspect ratio is 10/11 (DV NTSC), we multiply by 11/10 to get square pixels. We process and composite 3D layers, then re-divide to get back to the original pixel aspect ratio.

The following suite supplies the layers, compositions, texture and destination buffers. This is a vital suite for all artisans.


Function Purpose
AEGP_GetCompToRender Given the render context provided to the Artisan at render time, returns a handle to the composition.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
AEGP_CompH *compPH)
AEGP_GetNumLayersToRender Given the render context, returns the number of layers the Artisan needs to render.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
A_long *num_to_renderPL)
AEGP_GetNthLayerContextToRender Used to build a list of layers to render after determining the total number of layers that need rendering by the Artisan.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
A_long n,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH *layer_indexPH)
AEGP_GetLayerFromLayerContext Given a AEGP_RenderLayerContextH,retrieves the associated AEGP_LayerH (required by many suite functions).
const PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH layer_contextH,
AEGP_LayerH *layerPH);
AEGP_GetLayerAndSubLayerFromLayerContext Allows for rendering of sub-layers (as within a Photoshop file).
const PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH layer_contextH,
AEGP_LayerH *layerPH,
AEGP_SubLayerIndex *sublayerP);
AEGP_GetTopLayerFromLayerContext With collapsed geometrics "on" this gives the layer in the root composition containing the layer context.

With collapsed geometrics off this is the same as AEGP_GetLayerFromLayerContext.
const PR_RenderContextH r_contextH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH l_contextH,
AEGP_LayerH *layerPH);
AEGP_GetCompRenderTime Given the render context, returns the current point in (composition) time to render.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
A_long *time,
A_long *time_step)
AEGP_GetCompDestinationBuffer Given the render context, returns a buffer in which to place the final rendered output.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
AEGP_CompH compH,
PF_EffectWorld *dst);
AEGP_GetROI Given the render context provided to the Artisan at render time, returns a handle to the composition.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
A_LegacyRect *roiPR);
AEGP_RenderTexture Given the render context and layer, returns the layer texture.

All parameters with a trailing '0' are optional; the returned PF_EffectWorld can be NULL.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
AEGP_LayerH layerH,
AEGP_RenderHints render_hints,
A_FloatPoint *suggested_scaleP0,
A_FloatRect *suggsted_src_rectP0,
A_Matrix3 *src_matrixP0,
PF_EffectWorld *render_bufferP);

AEGP_RenderHints contains one or more of the following:
  • AEGP_RenderHints_NONE
AEGP_RenderHints_NO_TRANSFER_MODE prevents application of opacity & transfer mode; for use with RenderLayer calls.
AEGP_DisposeTexture Disposes of an acquired layer texture.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
AEGP_LayerH layerH,
AEGP_WorldH *dst0);
AEGP_GetFieldRender Returns the field settings of the given PR_RenderContextH.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
PF_Field *field);
AEGP_ReportArtisanProgress Given the render context provided to the Artisan at render time, returns a handle to the composition.

Note: this is NOT thread-safe on macOS; only use this function when the current thread ID is 0.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
A_long countL,
A_long totalL);
AEGP_GetRenderDownsampleFactor Returns the downsample factor of the PR_RenderContextH.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
AEGP_DownsampleFactor *dsfP);
AEGP_IsBlankCanvas Determines whether the PR_RenderContextH is blank (empty).
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
A_Boolean *is_blankPB);
AEGP_GetRenderLayerToWorldXform Given a render context and a layer (at a given time), retrieves the 4 by 4 transform to move between their coordinate spaces.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH layer_contextH,
const A_Time *comp_timeP,
A_Matrix4 *transform);
AEGP_GetRenderLayerBounds Retrieves the bounding rectangle of the layer_contextH (at a given time) within the render_contextH.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH layer_contextH,
const A_Time *comp_timeP,
A_LegacyRect *boundsP);
AEGP_GetRenderOpacity Returns the opacity of the given layer context at the given time, within the render context.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH layer_contextH,
const A_Time *comp_timePT,
A_FpLong *opacityPF);
AEGP_IsRenderLayerActive Returns whether or not a given layer context is active within the render context, at the given time.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH layer_contextH,
const A_Time *comp_timePT,
A_Boolean *activePB);
AEGP_SetArtisanLayerProgress Sets the progress information for a rendering Artisan. countL is the number of layers completed,

num_layersL is the total number of layers the Artisan is rendering.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
A_long countL,
A_long num_layersL);
AEGP_RenderLayerPlus Similar to AEGP_RenderLayer, but takes into account the AEGP_RenderLayerContextH.
PR_RenderContextH r_contextH,
AEGP_LayerH layerH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH l_contextH,
AEGP_RenderHints render_hints,
AEGP_WorldH *bufferP);
AEGP_GetTrackMatteContext Retrieves the AEGP_RenderLayerContextH for the specified render and fill contexts.
PR_RenderContextH rnder_contextH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH fill_contextH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH *mattePH);
AEGP_RenderTextureWithReceipt Renders a texture into an AEGP_WorldH, and provides an AEGP_RenderReceiptH for the operation.

The returned receiptPH must be disposed of with AEGP_DisposeRenderReceipt.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH layer_contextH,
AEGP_RenderHints render_hints,
A_FloatPoint *suggested_scaleP0,
A_FloatRect *suggest_src_rectP0,
A_Matrix3 *src_matrixP0,
AEGP_RenderReceiptH *receiptPH,
AEGP_WorldH *dstPH);
AEGP_GetNumberOfSoftwareEffects Returns the number of software effects applied in the given AEGP_RenderLayerContextH.
PR_RenderContextH ren_contextH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH lyr_contextH,
A_short *num_sft_FXPS);
AEGP_RenderLayerPlusWithReceipt An improvement over AEGP_RenderLayerPlus, this function also provides an AEGP_RenderReceiptH for caching purposes.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
AEGP_LayerH layerH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH layer_contextH,
AEGP_RenderHints render_hints,
AEGP_NumEffectsToRenderType num_effectsS,
AEGP_RenderReceiptH *receiptPH,
AEGP_WorldH *bufferPH);
AEGP_DisposeRenderReceipt Frees an AEGP_RenderReceiptH.
AEGP_RenderReceiptH receiptH);
AEGP_CheckRenderReceipt Checks with After Effects' internal caching to determine whether a given AEGP_RenderReceiptH is still valid.
PR_RenderContextH current_contextH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH current_lyr_ctxtH,
AEGP_RenderReceiptH old_receiptH,
A_Boolean check_aceB,
AEGP_NumEffectsToRenderType num_effectsS,
AEGP_RenderReceiptStatus *receipt_statusP);
AEGP_GenerateRenderReceipt Generates a AEGP_RenderReceiptH for a layer as if the first num_effectsS have been rendered.
PR_RenderContextH current_contextH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH current_lyr_contextH,
AEGP_NumEffectsToRenderType num_effectsS,
AEGP_RenderReceiptH *render_receiptPH);
AEGP_GetNumBinsToRender Returns the number of bins After Effects wants the artisan to render.
const PR_RenderContextH contextH,
A_long *num_binsPL);
AEGP_SetNthBin Sets the given render context to be the n-th bin to be rendered by After Effects.
const PR_RenderContextH contextH,
A_long n);
AEGP_GetBinType Retrieves the type of the given bin.
const PR_RenderContextH contextH,
AEGP_BinType *bin_typeP);

AEGP_BinType will be one of the following:
  • AEGP_BinType_NONE
  • AEGP_BinType_2D
  • AEGP_BinType_3D
AEGP_GetRenderLayerToWorldXform2D3D Retrieves the transform to correctly orient the layer being rendered with the output world.

Pass TRUE for only_2dB to constrain the transform to two dimensions.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH layer_contextH,
const A_Time *comp_timeP,
A_Boolean only_2dB,
A_Matrix4 *transformP);


Functions below are for interactive artisans only.

Function Purpose
AEGP_GetPlatformWindowRef Retrieves the platform-specific window context into which to draw the given PR_RenderContextH.
const PR_RenderContextH contextH,
AEGP_PlatformWindowRef *window_refP);
AEGP_GetViewportScale Retrieves the source-to-frame downsample factor for the given PR_RenderContextH.
const PR_RenderContextH contextH,
A_FpLong *scale_xPF,
A_FpLong *scale_yPF);
AEGP_GetViewportOrigin Retrieves to origin of the source, within the frame (necessary to translate between the two), for the given PR_RenderContextH.
const PR_RenderContextH contextH,
A_long *origin_xPL,
A_long *origin_yPL);
AEGP_GetViewportRect Retrieves the bounding rectangle for the area to be drawn, for the given PR_RenderContextH.
const PR_RenderContextH contextH,
A_LegacyRect *v_rectPR);
AEGP_GetFallowColor Retrieves the color used for the fallow regions in the given PR_RenderContextH.
const PR_RenderContextH contextH,
PF_Pixel8 *fallow_colorP);
AEGP_GetInteractiveCheckerboard Retrieves whether or not the checkerboard is currently active for the given PR_RenderContextH.
const PR_RenderContextH contextH,
A_Boolean *cboard_onPB);
AEGP_GetInteractiveCheckerboardColors Retrieves the colors used in the checkerboard.
const PR_RenderContextH contextH,
PF_Pixel *color1P,
PF_Pixel *color2P);
AEGP_GetInteractiveCheckerboardSize Retrieves the width and height of one checkerboard square.
const PR_RenderContextH contextH,
A_u_long *cbd_widthPLu,
A_u_long *cbd_heightPLu);
AEGP_GetInteractiveCachedBuffer Retrieves the cached AEGP_WorldH last used for the PR_RenderContextH.
const PR_RenderContextH contextH,
AEGP_WorldH *buffer);
AEGP_ArtisanMustRenderAsLayer Determines whether or not the artisan must render the current AEGP_RenderLayerContextH as a layer.
const PR_RenderContextH contextH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH layer_contextH,
A_Boolean *use_txturePB);
AEGP_GetInteractiveDisplayChannel Returns which channels should be displayed by the interactive artisan.
const PR_RenderContextH contextH,
AEGP_DisplayChannelType *channelP);

AEGP_DisplayChannelType will be one of the following:
  • AEGP_DisplayChannel_NONE
  • AEGP_DisplayChannel_RED
  • AEGP_DisplayChannel_GREEN
  • AEGP_DisplayChannel_BLUE
  • AEGP_DisplayChannel_ALPHA
  • AEGP_DisplayChannel_RED_ALT
  • AEGP_DisplayChannel_GREEN_ALT
  • AEGP_DisplayChannel_BLUE_ALT
  • AEGP_DisplayChannel_ALPHA_ALT
AEGP_GetInteractiveExposure Returns the exposure for the given PR_RenderContextH, expressed as a floating point number.
const PR_RenderContextH rcH,
A_FpLong *exposurePF);
AEGP_GetColorTransform Returns the color transform for the given PR_RenderContextH.
const PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
A_Boolean *cms_onB,
A_u_long *xform_keyLu,
void *xformP);
AEGP_GetCompShutterTime Returns the shutter angle for the given PR_RenderContextH.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
A_Time *shutter_time,
A_Time *shutter_dur);
AEGP_MapCompToLayerTime New in CC. Unlike AEGP_ConvertCompToLayerTime,
this handles time remapping with collapsed or nested comps.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
AEGP_RenderLayerContextH layer_contextH,
const A_Time *comp_timePT,
A_Time *layer_timePT);

Convert Between Different Contexts

Convert between render and instance contexts, and manage global data specific to the artisan.


Function Purpose
AEGP_GetGlobalContextFromInstanceContext Given an instance context, returns a handle to the global context.
const PR_InstanceContextH instance_contextH,
PR_GlobalContextH *global_contextPH);
AEGP_GetInstanceContextFromRenderContext Given the render context, returns a handle to the instance context.
const PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
PR_InstanceContextH *instnc_ctextPH);
AEGP_GetInstanceContextFromQueryContext Given a query context, returns a handle to the instance context.
const PR_QueryContextH query_contextH,
PR_InstanceContextH *instnce_contextPH);
AEGP_GetGlobalData Given the global context, returns a handle to global data.
const PR_GlobalContextH global_contextH,
PR_GlobalDataH *global_dataPH);
AEGP_GetInstanceData Given an instance context, return the associated instance data.
const PR_InstanceContextH instance_contextH,
PR_InstanceDataH *instance_dataPH);
AEGP_GetRenderData Given a render context, returns the associated render data.
const PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
PR_RenderDataH *render_dataPH);

Smile! Cameras

Obtains the camera geometry, including camera properties (type, lens, depth of field, focal distance, aperture, et cetera).


Function Purpose
AEGP_GetCamera Given a layer handle and time, returns the current camera layer handle.
PR_RenderContextH render_contextH,
const A_Time *comp_timeP,
AEGP_LayerH *camera_layerPH);
AEGP_GetCameraType Given a layer, returns the camera type of the layer.
AEGP_LayerH aegp_layerH,
AEGP_CameraType *camera_typeP;

The camera type can be the following:
  • AEGP_CameraType_NONE = -1
AEGP_GetDefaultCameraDistanceToImagePlane Given a composition handle, returns the camera distance to the image plane.
AEGP_GetDefaultCamera DistanceToImagePlane(
AEGP_CompH compH,
A_FpLong *dist_to_planePF)
AEGP_GetCameraFilmSize Retrieves the size (and units used to measure that size) of the film used by the designated camera.
AEGP_LayerH camera_layerH,
AEGP_FilmSizeUnits *film_size_unitsP,
A_FpLong *film_sizePF0);
AEGP_SetCameraFilmSize Sets the size (and unites used to measure that size) of the film used by the designated camera.
AEGP_LayerH camera_layerH,
AEGP_FilmSizeUnits film_size_units,
A_FpLong *film_sizePF0);

Notes Regarding Camera Behavior

Camera orientation is in composition coordinates, and the rotations are in layer (the camera's layer) coordinates.

If the camera layer has a parent, the position is in a coordinate space relative to the parent.

Orthographic Camera Matrix

Internally, we use composition width and height to set the matrix described by the OpenGL specification as

glOrtho(-width/2, width/2, -height/2, height/2, -1, 100);

The orthographic matrix describes the projection. The position of the camera is described by another, scaled matrix. The inverse of the camera position matrix provides the "eye" coordinates.

Focus On Focal

Remember, focal length affects field of view; focal distance only affects depth of field.

Film Size

In the real world, film size is measured in millimeters. In After Effects, it's measured in pixels. Multiply by 72 and divide by 25.4 to move from millimeters to pixels.

Field of view is more complex;

ϴ = 1/2 field of view

tan(ϴ) = 1/2 composition height / focal length

focal length = 2 tan(ϴ) / composition height

Hit The Lights!

Get and set the type of lights in a composition.


Function Purpose
AEGP_GetLightType Retrieves the AEGP_LightType of the specified camera layer.
AEGP_LayerH light_layerH,
AEGP_LightType *light_typeP);

AEGP_LightType will be one of the following:
  • AEGP_LightType_SPOT
  • AEGP_LightType_POINT
  • AEGP_LightType_AMBIENT
AEGP_SetLightType Sets the AEGP_LightType for the specified camera layer.
AEGP_LayerH light_layerH,
AEGP_LightType light_type);

Notes On Light Behavior

The formula for parallel lights is found in Foley and Van Dam's "Introduction to Computer Graphics" (ISBN 0-201-60921-5) as is the formula for point lights.

We use the half angle variant proposed by Jim Blinn instead.

Suppose we have a point on a layer and want to shade it with the light.

Let V be the unit vector from the layer point to the eye point. Let L be the unit vector to the light (in the parallel light case this is constant). Let H be (V+L)/2 (normalized). Let N be the unit normal vector to the layer.

The amount of specular reflected light is S * power(H Dot N, shine), where S is the specular coefficient.

How Should I Draw That?

After Effects relies upon Artisans to draw 3D layer handles. If your Artisan chooses not to respond to this call, the default Artisan will draw 3D layer handles for you. Querying transforms is important for optimization of After Effects' caching.

The coordinate system is positive x to right, positive y down, positive z into the screen. The origin is the upper left corner. Rotations are x then y then z. For matrices the translate is the bottom row, orientations are quaternions (which are applied first), then any x-y-z rotation after that. As a general rule, use orientation or rotation but not both. Also use rotations if you need control over angular velocity.

Query Transform Functions

These functions give artisans information about the transforms they'll need in order to correctly place layers within a composition and respond appropriately to the various queries After Effects will send to their PR_QueryFunc entry point function.

As that entry point is optional, so is your artisan's response to the queries; however, if you don't, your users may be disappointed that (while doing interactive preview drawing) all the camera and light indicators vanish, until they stop moving! Artisans are complex beasts; contact us if you have any questions.


Function Purpose
AEGP_QueryXformGetSrcType Given a query context, returns trasnsform source currently being modified.
PR_QueryContextH query_contextH,
AEGP_QueryXformType *src_type);

The query context will be one of the following:
  • AEGP_Query_Xform_LAYER
  • AEGP_Query_Xform_WORLD
  • AEGP_Query_Xform_VIEW
  • AEGP_Query_Xform_SCREEN
AEGP_QueryXformGetDstType Given a query context, returns the currently requested transform destination.
PR_QueryContextH query_contextH,
AEGP_QueryXformType *dst_type);
AEGP_QueryXformGetLayer Used if the source or destination type is a layer. Given a query context, returns the layer handle.
PR_QueryContextH query_contextH,
AEGP_LayerH *layerPH);
AEGP_QueryXformGetComp Given a query context, returns the current composition handle.
PR_QueryContextH query_contextH,
AEGP_CompH *compPH);
AEGP_QueryXformGetTransformTime Given a query context, returns the time of the transformation.
PR_QueryContextH query_contextH,
A_Time *time);
AEGP_QueryXformGetViewTime Given a query context, returns the time of the associated view.
PR_QueryContextH query_contextH,
A_Time *time);
AEGP_QueryXformGetCamera Given a query context, returns the current camera layer handle.
PR_QueryContextH query_contextH,
AEGP_LayerH *camera_layerPH);
AEGP_QueryXformGetXform Given a query context, returns the current matrix transform.
PR_QueryContextH query_contextH,
A_Matrix4 *xform);
AEGP_QueryXformSetXform Given a query context, return the matrix transform you compute in xform.
PR_QueryContextH query_contextH,
A_Matrix4 *xform);
AEGP_QueryWindowRef Sets the window reference to be used (by After Effects) for the given PR_QueryContextH.
PR_QueryContextH q_contextH,
AEGP_PlatformWindowRef *window_refP);
AEGP_QueryWindowClear Returns which AEGP_PlatformWindowRef (and A_Rect) to clear, for the given PR_QueryContextH.
PR_QueryContextH q_contextH,
AEGP_PlatformWindowRef *window_refP,
A_LegacyRect *boundsPR);
AEGP_QueryFrozenProxy Returns whether or not the textures used in the given PR_QueryContextH should be frozen.
PR_QueryContextH q_contextH,
A_Boolean *onPB);
AEGP_QuerySwapBuffer Sent after rendering and camera/light handle drawing is complete; After Effects returns the buffer into which the artisan should draw its output.
PR_QueryContextH q_contextH,
AEGP_PlatformWindowRef *window_refP,
AEGP_WorldH *dest_bufferp);
AEGP_QueryDrawProcs Sets the interactive drawing functions After Effects will call while drawing camera and lighting handles into the artisan's provided context.
PR_QueryContextH query_contextH,
PR_InteractiveDrawProcs *window_refP);
AEGP_QueryPrepareForLineDrawing Informs After Effects about the context into which it will be drawing.
PR_QueryContextH query_contextH,
AEGP_PlatformWindowRef *window_refP,
A_LegacyRect *viewportP,
A_LPoint *originP,
A_FloatPoint *scaleP);
AEGP_QueryUnprepareForLineDrawing As far as After Effects is concerned, the artisan is done drawing lines.
PR_QueryContextH query_contextH,
AEGP_PlatformWindowRef *window_refP);

Interactive Drawing Functions

We've added the ability for artisans to provide functions After Effects can use to do basic drawing functions for updating the comp window display during preview, including camera, light, and wireframe preview modeling.


Function Purpose
short x,
short y);
short x,
short y);
const A_Color *fore_colo
const A_Rect *rectPR );
const A_Rect *rectPR );

Notes On Query Time Functions

AEGP_QueryXformGetTransformTime() and AEGP_QueryXformGetViewTime() are both necessary for an artisan to build a representation of the scene to render.

AEGP_QueryXformGetTransformTime() gets the time of the transform, which is then passed to AEGP_GetCompShutterFrameRange() from AEGP_CompSuite11.

AEGP_QueryXformGetViewTime() gets the time of the view, which is used in calling AEGP_GetLayerToWorldXformFromView() from AEGP_LayerSuite9.