AEGP Suites¶
As mentioned earlier, AEGPs do everything through suites. The following suites are used by all types of AEGPs, and may be called from within any hook function (except for the RegisterSuite, which must be used from within the AEGP's entry point). Following is a description of each function in every suite, and, where appropriate details on using those functions.
Suite | Description |
Memory Suite | Manage memory resources. Use this suite! Whenever memory-related errors are encountered, After Effects can report errors for you. |
Command Suite | Manage your AEGP's menu items. Used in conjunction with the Register Suite. |
Register Suite | Used in conjunction with the Command Suite to add functions to menu commands. AEIOs and Artisans must use this suite's functions to indicate to After Effects that they want to receive the appropriate message streams. You can replace some After Effects' commands using this suite. |
Project Suite | Reads and modifies project data. |
Item Suite | Manages items within a project or composition. Folders, Compositions, Solids, and Footage are all items. |
Collection Suite | Query which items are currently selected, and create your own selection sets. It's often a good UI move to select all the items your AEGP has modified, just to give the user some idea what you've done. |
Composition Suite | Manages (and creates) compositions in a project, and composition-specific items like solids. |
Footage Suite | Manages footage. |
Layer Suite | Provides information about the layers within a composition, and the relationship(s) between the source and layer times. Solids, text, paint, cameras, lights, images, and image sequences can all become layers. |
Effect Suite | Provides access to the effects applied to a layer. Use Stream suites to obtain effect keyframe information. Use AEGP_EffectCallGeneric() (in AEGP_EffectSuite4) to communicate with effects that you setup ahead of time to respond to your AEGP. |
Stream Suite | Used to access the values of a layer's keyframe properties. |
Dynamic Stream Suite | Used to access the characteristics of dynamic streams associated with a layer. |
Keyframe Suite | Used to access and manipulate all keyframe data. |
Marker Suite | Used to manipulate markers. Use AEGP_GetNewCompMarkerStream() (in AEGP_CompSuite11) to get the composition marker stream. |
Mask Suite | Provides access to retrieve information about a layer's masks. |
Mask Outline Suite | Used in conjunction with Stream Suite, this suite provides detailed information about the path rendered to make a layer's mask. |
Text Document Suite | Used to access the actual text on a text layer. |
Text Layer Suite | Used to access the paths that make up the outlines of a text layer. |
Utility Suite | Supplies error message handling, AEGP version checking and access to After Effects' undo stack. |
Persistent Data Suite | Query and manage all persistent data (i.e., the preferences file). AEGPs can also add their own data to the prefs. |
Color Settings Suite | Obtain information on After Effects' current color management settings. |
Render Suite | Get rendered frames (and audio samples) from within an AEGP. |
World Suite | Allocate, dispose of, and query AEGP_Worlds. Also provides a way to convert a PF_EffectWorld into an AEGP_World , for working with effect plug-ins. |
Composite Suite | Exposes After Effects' compositing functionality, including transfer modes, track matting, and good old fashioned bit copying. |
Sound Data Suite | Functions for managing and accessing sound data. |
Render Queue Suite | Add and remove items from the render queue. |
Render Queue Item Suite | Query and modify items in the render queue. |
Render Options Suite | Query and manage all items exposed in a render queue item's options dialog. |
Output Module Suite | Query and modify the output modules attached to items in the render queue. |
PF Interface Suite | The functions in this suite, while technically part of the AEGP API, are for use by effects. |
AEGP Iterate Suite | Gives AEGPs a way to have a function (which has the required signature) to be run on any or all available processors. |
File Import Manager Suite | Registers AEGP file and project importers as part of After Effects' file handling. |
Fail Gracefully¶
If a suite isn't present, make every attempt to fail gracefully. Show the user a message indicating the nature of the problem. Attempt to acquire and use an earlier version of the same suite.
Since AEGPs are so deeply integrated with After Effects, make sure that users know who or what is encountering a given problem.
Identify yourself! Provide support and/or help information to the user whenever possible.
Handling Handles¶
Use the AEGP Memory Suite to manage memory used by the AEGP. Whenever memory related errors are encountered, After Effects can report errors for you to find early on.
is a structure that contains more than just the referenced memory. So it should not be dereferenced directly. Use AEGP_LockMemHandle
to get a pointer to the memory referenced by the AEGP_MemHandle
And of course, unlock it when you're done.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_NewMemHandle |
Create a new memory handle. This memory is guaranteed to be 16-byte aligned. plugin_id is the ID passed in through the main Entry Point,or alternatively what you obtained from AEGP_RegisterWithAEGP() (from AEGP_UtilitySuite6). Use whatZ to identify the memory you are asking for.After Effects uses the string to display any related error messages. AEGP_NewMemHandle( |
AEGP_FreeMemHandle |
Release a handle you allocated using AEGP_NewMemHandle().AEGP_FreeMemHandle( |
AEGP_LockMemHandle |
Locks the handle into memory (cannot be moved by OS). Use this function prior to using memory allocated by AEGP_NewMemHandle . Can be nested.AEGP_LockMemHandle( |
AEGP_UnlockMemHandle |
Allows OS to move the referenced memory. Always balance lock calls with unlocks.AEGP_UnlockMemHandle( |
AEGP_GetMemHandleSize |
Returns the allocated size of the handle.AEGP_GetMemHandleSize AEGP_MemHandle memH, |
AEGP_ResizeMemHandle |
Changes the allocated size of the handle.AEGP_ResizeMemHandle( |
AEGP_SetMemReportingOn |
If After Effects runs into problems with the memory handling, the error should be reported to the user. Make use of this during development! Only memory allocated and then leaked using this suite is reported using this call, so for example memory allocated using PF_HandleSuite1 will not be reported. AEGP_SetMemReportingOn( |
AEGP_GetMemStats |
Obtain information about the number of currently allocated handles and their total size. Only memory allocated using this suite is tracked and reported using this call, so for example memory allocated using PF_HandleSuite1 will not be reported here. AEGP_GetMemStats( |
Managing Menu Items¶
Command Suites allow you to create and handle any menu events.
To add your own menu commands, you must also use Register Suite to assign handlers to menu events.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetUniqueCommand |
Obtain a unique command identifier. Use the *Register Suite* to register a handler for the command.AEGP_GetUniqueCommand( Note: On occasion After Effects will send command 0 (zero), so don't use that as part of your command handling logic. |
AEGP_InsertMenuCommand |
Add a new menu command. Using nameZ = "-" will insert a separator. menu_ID can be:
AEGP_Menu_WINDOW , the BOTTOM and TOP options haven't been supported since CS4 and will return an error.We recommend SORTED .AEGP_InsertMenuCommand( |
AEGP_RemoveMenuCommand |
Remove a menu command. If you were so motivated, you could remove ALL of the After Effects menu items.AEGP_RemoveMenuCommand( |
AEGP_SetCommandName |
Set menu name of a command.AEGP_SetCommandName( |
AEGP_EnableCommand |
Enable a menu command.AEGP_EnableCommand( |
AEGP_DisableCommand |
Disable a menu command.AEGP_DisableCommand( |
AEGP_CheckMarkMenuCommand |
After Effects will draw a check mark next to the menu command.AEGP_CheckMarkMenuCommand( |
AEGP_DoCommand |
Call the handler for a specified menu command. Every After Effects menu item has an associated command. Note that we make no guarantees that command IDs will be consistent from version to version. AEGP_DoCommand( Having given the disclaimer above, here are a few command numbers that have been supplied to other developers, and may be of interest:
there's a fairly easy way to find out most commands you want, using scripting: cmd = app.findMenuCommandId(text); // e.g. text = "Open Project..." With AE running, just open up Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CC, copy the above script in, and in the app drop-down choose the version of After Effects you have running. Then hit the Play button to run the script in AE. Otherwise, contact API Engineering for the command number. |
Registering with After Effects¶
Register functions for After Effects' use.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_RegisterCommandHook |
Register a hook (command handler) function with After Effects. If you are replacing a function which After Effects also handles, AEGP_HookPriority determines whether your plug-in gets it first.
AEGP_Command using AEGP_GetUniqueCommand() (from AEGP_CommandSuite1) prior registering a single command_hook_func .Determine which command was sent within this hook function, and act accordingly. Currently, AEGP_HookPriority is ignored.AEGP_RegisterCommandHook( |
AEGP_RegisterUpdateMenuHook |
Register your menu update function (which determines whether or not items are active), called every time any menu is to be drawn. This hook function handles updates for all menus. AEGP_RegisterUpdateMenuHook( |
AEGP_RegisterDeathHook |
Register your termination function. Called when the application quits.AEGP_RegisterDeathHook( |
AEGP_RegisterVersionHook |
Currently not called. |
AEGP_RegisterAboutStringHook |
Currently not called. |
AEGP_RegisterAboutHook |
Currently not called. |
AEGP_RegisterArtisan |
Register your Artisan. See Artisans for more details.AEGP_RegisterArtisan( |
AEGP_RegisterIO |
Register your AEIO plug-in. See AEIOs for more details.AEGP_RegisterIO ( |
AEGP_RegisterIdleHook |
Register your IdleHook function. After Effects will call the function sporadically, while the user makes difficult artistic decisions (or while they're getting more coffee). AEGP_RegisterIdleHook( |
AEGP_RegisterInteractiveArtisan |
Registers your AEGP as an interactive artisan, for use in previewing and rendering all layers in a given composition.AEGP_RegisterInteractiveArtisan ( |
AEGP_RegisterPresetLocalizationString |
Call this to register as many strings as you like for name-replacement when presets are loaded. Any time a Property name is found, or referred to in an expression, and it starts with an ASCII tab character ('t'), followed by one of the English names, it will be replaced with the localized name. (In English the tab character will simply be removed). AEGP_RegisterPresetLocalizationString( |
Manage Projects¶
These functions access and modify project data. Support for multiple projects is included to prepare for future expansion; After Effects currently adheres to the single project model.
To save project-specific data in After Effects' preferences (and thus, outside the projects themselves), use the Persistent Data Suite.
Use caution: the functions for opening and creating projects do not save changes to the project currently open when they are called!
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_NumProjects |
Currently will never return more than 1. After Effects can have only one project open at a time.AEGP_GetNumProjects( |
AEGP_GetIndProject |
Retrieves a specific project by index.AEGP_GetProjectProjectByIndex( |
AEGP_GetProjectName |
Get the project name (up to AEGP_MAX_PROJ_NAME_LEN + 1 ) in length.AEGP_GetProjectName( |
AEGP_GetProjectPath |
Get the path of the project (empty string the project hasn't been saved yet). The path is a handle to a NULL-terminated A_UTF16Char string, and must be disposed with AEGP_FreeMemHandle .AEGP_GetProjectPath( |
AEGP_GetProjectRootFolder |
Get the root of the project, which After Effects also treats as a folder.AEGP_GetProjectRootFolder( |
AEGP_SaveProjectToPath |
Saves the entire project to the specified full path. The file path is a NULL-terminated UTF-16 string with platform separators. AEGP_SaveProjectToPath( |
AEGP_GetProjectTimeDisplay |
Retrieves the current time display settings.AEGP_GetProjectTimeDisplay( |
AEGP_SetProjectTimeDisplay |
Specified the settings to be used for displaying time.AEGP_SetProjectTimeDisplay( |
AEGP_ProjectIsDirty |
Returns TRUE if the project has been modified since it was opened.AEGP_ProjectIsDirty( |
AEGP_SaveProjectAs |
Saves the project to the specified path. The file path is a NULL-terminated UTF-16 string with platform separators. NOTE: This will overwrite an existing file. AEGP_SaveProjectAs( |
AEGP_NewProject |
Creates a new project. NOTE: Will close the current project without saving it first!AEGP_NewProject( |
AEGP_OpenProjectFromPath |
Opens a project from the supplied path, and returns its AEGP_ProjectH .The file path is a NULL-terminated UTF-16 string with platform separators. NOTE: Will close the current project without saving it first! AEGP_OpenProjectFromPath( |
AEGP_GetProjectBitDepth |
Retrieves the project bit depth.AEGP_GetProjectBitDepth( AEGP_ProjBitDepth will be one of the following:
AEGP_SetProjectBitDepth |
Sets the project bit depth. Undoable.AEGP_SetProjectBitDepth( |
Values in unused fields persist when After Effects is using a different display type.
Member | Description |
AEGP_TimeDisplayType type; |
One of the following:
A_char timebaseC; |
0 - 100. Only used for AEGP_TimeDisplayType_TIMECODE . |
A_Boolean non_drop_30B; |
When the timebase is 30 and the item's framerate is 29.97, determines whether to display as non-drop frame. |
A_char frames_per_footC; |
Only used for AEGP_TimeDisplayType_FEET_AND_FRAMES . |
A_long starting_frameL; |
Usually 0 or 1. Not used when type is usually 0 or 1, not used for AEGP_TimeDisplayType_TIMECODE . |
A_Boolean auto_timecode_baseB; |
If TRUE , the project timecode display setting is set to auto. |
Control Items Within Projects¶
Accesses and modifies items within a project or composition.
Anything in the project bin is an AEGP_Item
. Note that cameras have no source, and thus have no AEGP_ItemH
Unless more specificity is required for the function(s) you're using, remain as abstract as possible; AEGP_Comps are passed into and returned from most functions as AEGP_Items.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetFirstProjItem |
Retrieves the first item in a given project.AEGP_GetFirstProjItem( |
AEGP_GetNextProjItem |
Retrieves the next project item; *next_itemPH will be NULL after the last item.AEGP_GetNextProjItem( |
AEGP_GetActiveItem |
If the Project window is active, the active item is the selected item (if only one item is selected). If a Composition, Timeline, or Footage window is active, returns the parent of the layer associated with the front-most tab in the window. Returns NULL if no item is active. AEGP_GetActiveItem( |
AEGP_IsItemSelected |
Returns true if the Project window is active and the item is selected.AEGP_IsItemSelected( |
AEGP_SelectItem |
Toggles the selection state of the item, and (depending on deselect_othersB ) can deselect other items.This call selects items in the Project panel. To make selections in the Composition panel, use AEGP_SetSelection from AEGP_CompSuite11.AEGP_SelectItem( |
AEGP_GetItemType |
Gets type of an item. Note: solids don't appear in the project, but can be the source to a layer.AEGP_GetItemType( Items are one of the following types:
AEGP_GetTypeName |
Get name of type. (name length up to AEGP_MAX_TYPE_NAME_LEN + 1 ).AEGP_GetTypeName( |
AEGP_GetItemName |
Get item name. (name length has no limit).unicode_namePH points to A_UTF16Char (contains null terminated UTF16 string).It must be disposed with AEGP_FreeMemHandle .AEGP_GetItemName( |
AEGP_SetItemName |
Specifies the name of the AEGP_ItemH. (name length has no limit). Undoable.AEGP_SetItemName( |
AEGP_GetItemID |
Returns the item's unique ID, which persists across saves and loads of the project.AEGP_GetItemID( |
AEGP_GetItemFlags |
Get properties of an item.AEGP_GetItemFlags( Flag values (may be OR'd together):
HAS_AUDIO flag, this bit flag will set only if the comp has at least one layer where audio is actually on. |
AEGP_SetItemUseProxy |
Toggle item's proxy usage. Undoable.AEGP_SetItemUseProxy( |
AEGP_GetItemParentFolder |
Get folder containing item.AEGP_GetItemParentFolder( |
AEGP_SetItemParentFolder |
Sets an item's parent folder. Undoable.AEGP_SetItemParentFolder( |
AEGP_GetItemDuration |
Get duration of item, in seconds.AEGP_GetItemDuration( |
AEGP_GetItemCurrentTime |
Get current time within item. Not updated while rendering.AEGP_GetItemCurrentTime( |
AEGP_GetItemDimensions |
Get width and height of item.AEGP_GetItemDimensions( |
AEGP_GetItemPixelAspectRatio |
Get the width of a pixel, assuming its height is 1.0, as numerator over denominator.AEGP_GetItemPixelAspectRatio( |
AEGP_DeleteItem |
Removes item from all compositions. Undo-able. Do not use the AEGP_ItemH after calling this function.AEGP_DeleteItem( |
AEGP_GetItemSolidColor |
Removed in AEGP_ItemSuite4 . See AEGP_GetSolidFootageColor from AEGP_FootageSuite5Given a solid item, return its color. AEGP_GetItemSolidColor( |
AEGP_SetSolidColor |
Removed in AEGP_ItemSuite4 . See AEGP_SetSolidFootageColor from AEGP_FootageSuite5.Sets the color of an existing solid (error if itemH is not a solid).AEGP_SetSolidColor( |
AEGP_SetSolidDimensions |
Removed in AEGP_ItemSuite4 . See AEGP_SetSolidFootageDimensions from AEGP_FootageSuite5.Sets the dimensions of an existing solid (error if itemH is not a solid).AEGP_SetSolidDimensions( |
AEGP_CreateNewFolder |
Creates a new folder in the project. The newly created folder is allocated and owned by After Effects. Passing NULL for parent_folderH0 creates the folder at the project's root.AEGP_CreateNewFolder( |
AEGP_SetItemCurrentTime |
Sets the current time within a given itemH .AEGP_SetItemCurrentTime( |
AEGP_GetItemCommentLength |
Removed in ItemSuite9 . Retrieves the length (in characters) of the itemH's comment.AEGP_GetItemCommentLength( |
AEGP_GetItemComment |
Updated to support Unicode in ItemSuite9 , available in 14.1. Retrieves the itemH's comment.AEGP_GetItemComment( |
AEGP_SetItemComment |
Updated to support Unicode in ItemSuite9 , available in 14.1. Sets the itemH's comment.AEGP_SetItemComment( |
AEGP_GetItemLabel |
Retrieves an item's label.AEGP_GetItemLabel( |
AEGP_SetItemLabel |
Sets an item's label.AEGP_SetItemLabel( |
AEGP_GetItemMRUView |
Gets an item's most recently used view. The view can be used with two calls in the AEGP_ColorSettingsSuite ,to perform a color transform on a pixel buffer from working to view color space. AEGP_GetItemMRUView( |
used to be here, but is now part of AEGP_RenderSuite4.
Managing Selections¶
This suite manages selection states, mirroring the functionality supplied by vectors in the C++ Standard Template Library.
Many types of items may be simultaneously selected in After Effects; AEGP_CollectionItems
are unions of layer, mask, effect, stream, mask vertex, and keyframe items.
First acquire the current collection, then iterate across its members to ensure that whatever your AEGP does is applicable to each.
We've added AEGP_Collection2H
and AEGP_CollectionItemV2
so that selected dynamic streams can be handled with the AEGP_CollectionSuite
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_NewCollection |
Creates and returns a new, empty collection. To obtain the current composition's selection as a collection, use AEGP_GetNewCollectionFromCompSelection .AEGP_NewCollection( |
AEGP_DisposeCollection |
Disposes of a collection.AEGP_DisposeCollection( |
AEGP_GetCollectionNumItems |
Returns the number of items contained in the given collection.AEGP_GetCollectionNumItems( |
AEGP_GetCollectionItemByIndex |
Retrieves (creates and populates) the index'd collection item.AEGP_GetCollectionItemByIndex( |
AEGP_CollectionPushBack |
Adds an item to the given collection.AEGP_CollectionPushBack( |
AEGP_CollectionErase |
Removes an index'd item (or items) from a given collection. NOTE: this range is exclusive, like STL iterators. To erase the first item, you would pass 0 and 1, respectively. AEGP_CollectionErase( |
Ownership Of Collection Items¶
When AEGP_StreamRefHs
are inserted into a collection, they are adopted by the collection; do not free them.
, on the other hand, are not adopted, and must be freed by the calling AEGP.
Manipulate Compositions¶
Provide information about the compositions in a project, and create cameras, lights, and solids.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetCompFromItem |
Retrieves the handle to the composition, given an item handle. Returns NULL if itemH is not an AEGP_CompH .AEGP_GetCompFromItem( |
AEGP_GetItemFromComp |
Used to get the item handle, given a composition handle.AEGP_GetItemFromComp( |
AEGP_GetCompDownsampleFactor |
Returns current downsample factor. Measured in pixels X by Y. Users can choose a custom downsample factor with independent X and Y. AEGP_GetCompDownsampleFactor( |
AEGP_SetCompDownsampleFactor |
Sets the composition's downsample factor.AEGP_SetCompDownsampleFactor( |
AEGP_GetCompBGColor |
Returns the composition background color.AEGP_GetCompBGColor( |
AEGP_SetCompBGColor |
Sets a composition's background color.AEGP_SetCompBGColor( |
AEGP_GetCompFlags |
Returns composition flags, or'd together.AEGP_GetCompFlags(
AEGP_GetShowLayerNameOrSourceName |
New in CC. Passes back true if the Comp's timeline shows layer names, false if source names. This will open the comp as a side effect. AEGP_GetShowLayerNameOrSourceName( |
AEGP_SetShowLayerNameOrSourceName |
New in CC. Pass in true to have the Comp's timeline show layer names, false for source names. This will open the comp as a side effect. AEGP_SetShowLayerNameOrSourceName( |
AEGP_GetShowBlendModes |
New in CC. Passes back true if the Comp's timeline shows blend modes column, false if hidden. This will open the comp as a side effect. AEGP_GetShowBlendModes( |
AEGP_SetShowBlendModes |
New in CC. Pass in true to have the Comp's timeline show the blend modes column, false to hide it. This will open the comp as a side effect. AEGP_GetCompFlags( |
AEGP_GetCompFramerate |
Returns the composition's frames per second.AEGP_GetCompFramerate( |
AEGP_SetCompFramerate |
Sets the composition's frames per second.AEGP_SetCompFramerate( |
AEGP_GetCompShutterAnglePhase |
The composition shutter angle and phase.AEGP_GetCompShutterAnglePhase( |
AEGP_GetCompShutterFrameRange |
The duration of the shutter frame, in seconds.AEGP_GetCompShutterFrameRange( |
AEGP_GetCompSuggestedMotionBlurSamples |
Retrieves the number of motion blur samples After Effects will perform in the given composition.AEGP_GetCompSuggestedMotionBlurSamples( |
AEGP_SetCompSuggestedMotionBlurSamples |
Specifies the number of motion blur samples After Effects will perform in the given composition. Undoable.AEGP_SetCompSuggestedMotionBlurSamples( |
AEGP_GetCompMotionBlurAdaptiveSampleLimit |
New in CC. Retrieves the motion blur adaptive sample limit for the given composition. As of CC, a new comp defaults to 128. AEGP_GetCompMotionBlurAdaptiveSampleLimit( |
AEGP_SetCompMotionBlurAdaptiveSampleLimit |
New in CC. Specifies the motion blur adaptive sample limit for the given composition. As of CC, both the limit and the suggested values are clamped to [2,256] range and the limit value will not be allowed less than the suggested value. Undoable. AEGP_SetCompMotionBlurAdaptiveSampleLimit( |
AEGP_GetCompWorkAreaStart |
Get the time where the current work area starts.AEGP_GetCompWorkAreaStart( |
AEGP_GetCompWorkAreaDuration |
Get the duration of a composition's current work area, in seconds.AEGP_GetCompWorkAreaDuration( |
AEGP_SetCompWorkAreaStartAndDuration |
Set the work area start and duration, in seconds. Undo-able. One call to this function is sufficient to set the layer's in point and duration; it's not necessary to call it twice, once for each timespace. AEGP_SetCompWorkAreaStartAndDuration( |
AEGP_CreateSolidInComp |
Creates a new solid with a specified width, height, color, and duration in the composition. Undo-able. If you pass NULL for the duration, After Effects uses its preference for the duration of a new still.If you pass NULL, or an invalid time scale, duration is set to the length of the composition. AEGP_CreateSolidInComp( |
AEGP_CreateCameraInComp |
Creates and adds a camera to the specified composition. Once created, you can manipulate the camera's parameter streams using the AEGP Stream Suite. To specify a two-node camera, use AEGP_SetLayerFlag from AEGP_LayerSuite9 to set AEGP_LayerFlag_LOOK_AT_POI .AEGP_CreateCameraInComp( |
AEGP_CreateLightInComp |
Creates and adds a light to the specified composition. Once created, you can manipulate the light's parameter streams using the AEGP Stream Suite. AEGP_CreateLightInComp( |
AEGP_CreateComp |
Creates a new composition for the project. If you don't provide a parent folder, the composition will be at the root level of the project. Undo-able. AEGP_CreateComp( |
AEGP_GetNewCollectionFromCompSelection |
Creates a new AEGP_Collection2H from the items selected in the given composition. The plug-in is responsible for disposing of the AEGP_Collection2H .AEGP_GetNewCollectionFromCompSelection( |
AEGP_SetSelection |
Sets the selection within the given composition to the given AEGP_Collection2H .Will return an error if members of the AEGP_Collection2H are not available.Don't assume that a composition hasn't changed between operations; always use a fresh AEGP_Collection2H .AEGP_SetSelection( |
AEGP_GetCompDisplayStartTime |
Gets the displayed start time of a composition.AEGP_GetCompDisplayStartTime( |
AEGP_SetCompDisplayStartTime |
Not undo-able. Sets the displayed start time of a composition (has no effect on the duration of the composition).AEGP_SetCompDisplayStartTime( |
AEGP_SetCompDuration |
Undoable. Sets the duration of the given composition.AEGP_SetCompDuration( |
AEGP_CreateNullInComp |
Creates a "null object" in the composition (useful for translating projects from 3D applications into After Effects). If you pass NULL for the duration, After Effects uses its preference for the duration of a new still.If you pass 0, or an invalid time scale, duration is set to the length of the composition. AEGP_CreateNullInComp( |
AEGP_SetCompPixelAspectRatio |
Sets the pixel aspect ratio of a composition.AEGP_SetCompPixelAspectRatio( |
AEGP_CreateTextLayerInComp |
Updated in CS6. Creates a text layer in the composition, and returns its AEGP_LayerH .AEGP_CreateTextLayerInComp( |
AEGP_CreateBoxTextLayerInComp |
Updated in CS6. Creates a new box text layer, and returns its AEGP_LayerH .AEGP_CreateBoxTextLayerInComp( |
AEGP_SetCompDimensions |
Sets the dimensions of the composition. Undoable.AEGP_SetCompDimensions( |
AEGP_DuplicateComp |
Duplicates the composition. Undoable.AEGP_DuplicateComp( |
AEGP_GetCompFrameDuration |
Retrieves the duration of a frame in a composition.AEGP_GetCompFrameDuration( |
AEGP_GetMostRecentlyUsedComp |
Returns the most-recently-used composition.AEGP_GetMostRecentlyUsedComp( |
AEGP_CreateVectorLayerInComp |
Creates and returns a handle to a new vector layer.AEGP_CreateVectorLayerInComp( |
AEGP_GetNewCompMarkerStream |
Returns an AEGP_StreamRefH to the composition's marker stream. Must be disposed by caller. AEGP_GetNewCompMarkerStream( |
AEGP_GetCompDisplayDropFrame |
Passes back a boolean that indicates whether the specified comp uses drop-frame timecode or not.AEGP_GetCompDisplayDropFrame( |
AEGP_SetCompDisplayDropFrame |
Sets the dropness of the timecode in the specified composition.AEGP_SetCompDisplayDropFrame( |
AEGP_ReorderCompSelection |
Move the selection to a certain layer index. Use along with AEGP_SetSelection(). AEGP_SetCompDisplayDropFrame( |
Work with Footage¶
Provides information about footage, or items in a project or composition. When getting and setting footage's interpretation, it is possible to specify incompatible options.
If you encounter warnings and errors during development, be sure to make all related changes atomically, and reassess the logic of the operation you're performing.
For example, changing the pull-down interpretation of footage won't work unless there's a difference between it's native and conformed frame rate.
Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, it may make sense to abort all of your operations at that point, inform the user of the problem encountered.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetMainFootageFromItem |
Returns an error if item isn't a footage item. Used to convert an item handle to a footage handle. AEGP_GetMainFootageFromItem( |
AEGP_GetProxyFootageFromItem |
Returns an error if item has no proxy. Returns the proxy footage handle. Note: a composition can have a proxy. AEGP_GetProxyFootageFromItem( |
AEGP_GetFootageNumFiles |
Returns the number of data (RGBA or audio) files, and the number of files per frame (may be greater than one if the footage has auxiliary channels).AEGP_GetFootageNumFiles( |
AEGP_GetFootagePath |
Get fully realized path to footage source file. Retrieves the footage path for a piece of footage (or for the specified frame of a footage sequence). frame_numL ranges from 0 to num_main_files , as obtained using AEGP_GetFootageNumFiles from AEGP_FootageSuite5.AEGP_FOOTAGE_MAIN_FILE_INDEX is the main file.The path is a handle to a NULL-terminated A_UTF16Char string, and must be disposed with AEGP_FreeMemHandle.AEGP_GetFootagePath( |
AEGP_GetFootageSignature |
Retrieves the footage signature of specified footage.AEGP_GetFootageSignature( The signature will be one of the following:
AEGP_NewFootage |
Creates a new footage item. The file path is a NULL-terminated UTF-16 string with platform separators. Note that footage filenames with colons are not allowed, since colons are used as path separators in the HFS+ file system. AEGP_NewFootage( Note the optional params. If allow_interpretation_dialogB is FALSE, After Effects will guess the alpha interpretation.typedef struct { AEGP_LayerDrawStyle can be:
AEGP_InterpretationStyle can be:
AEGP_AddFootageToProject |
Adds a footage item to a project. Footage will be adopted by the project, and may be added only once. This is Undo-able; do not dispose of the returned added item if it's undone. AEGP_AddFootageToProject( |
AEGP_SetItemProxyFootage |
Sets footage as the proxy for an item. Will be adopted by the project. This is Undo-able; do not dispose of the returned added item if it's undone. AEGP_SetItemProxyFootage( |
AEGP_ReplaceItemMainFootage |
Replaces footage for an item. The item will replace the main footage for this item. This is Undo-able; do not dispose of the returned added item if it's undone. AEGP_ReplaceItemMainFootage( |
AEGP_DisposeFootage |
Deletes a footage item. Do not dispose of footage you did not create, or that has been added to the project.AEGP_DisposeFootage( |
AEGP_GetFootageInterpretation |
Populates an AEGP_FootageInterp describing the settings of the AEGP_FootageH .There is no way to create a valid AEGP_FootageInterp other than by using this function.AEGP_GetFootageInterpretation( If proxyB is TRUE , the proxy footage's settings are retrieved. |
AEGP_SetFootageInterpretation |
Apply the settings in the AEGP_FootageInterp to the AEGP_FootageH . Undo-able.AEGP_SetFootageInterpreta tion( If proxyB is TRUE , the proxy footage's settings are modified. |
AEGP_GetFootageLayerKey |
Populates an AEGP_FootageLayerKey describing the footage.AEGP_GetFootageLayerKey( |
AEGP_NewPlaceholderFootage |
Deprecated. Adds a new placeholder footage item to the project. Using this function for missing footage will cause the user to search for each individual missing file, regardless of whether or not they're all in the same directory. Undo-able. AEGP_NewPlaceholderFootage( |
AEGP_NewPlaceholderFootageWithPath |
This is the hip new way to add references to footage that can't be found right this moment. The file path is a NULL-terminated UTF-16 string with platform separators. In CS6 and earlier, file_type was ignored and we previously recommendedsetting it to AEIO_FileType_NONE .Starting in CC, AEIO_FileType_NONE is now a warning condition.If you pass AEIO_FileType_ANY , then path MUST exist.If the path may not exist, pass AEIO_FileType_DIR for folder, or AEIO_FileType_GENERIC for a file.AEGP_NewPlaceholderFootageWithPath( |
AEGP_NewSolidFootage |
This is the way to add a solid. Until the footage is added to the project, the caller owns the AEGP_FootageH (and must dispose of it if, and only if, it isn't added to the project). AEGP_NewSolidFootage( |
AEGP_GetSolidFootageColor |
Returns the color of a given solid. Returns an error if the AEGP_ItemH is not a solid.AEGP_GetSolidFootageColor( If proxyB is TRUE , the proxy solid's color is retrieved. |
AEGP_SetSolidFootageColor |
Sets the color of a solid. Undo-able.AEGP_SetSolidFootageColor( If proxyB is TRUE , the proxy solid's color is set. |
AEGP_SetSolidFootageDimensions |
Sets the dimensions of a solid. Undo-able.AEGP_SetSolidFootageDimensions( If proxyB is TRUE , the proxy solid's dimensions are modified. Returns an error if the item isn't a solid. |
AEGP_GetFootageSoundDataFormat |
Retrieves information about the audio data in the footage item (by populating the AEGP_SoundDataFormat you passed in).AEGP_GetFootageSoundDataFormat( |
AEGP_GetFootageSequenceImportOptions |
Populates and returns a AEGP_FileSequenceImportOptions describing the given AEGP_FootageH .AEGP_GetFootageSequenceImportOptions( |
AEGP_FootageInterp Structure¶
Member | Purpose |
AEGP_InterlaceLabel il; |
The interlace settings for the footage item.A_u_long signature; // 'FIEL' FIEL_Type is one of the following:
FIEL_Type_FIELD_DOUBLED means 60 full-sized field doubled frames per second.FIEL_Order is either:
AEGP_AlphaLabel al; |
AEGP_AlphaFlag flags; AEGP_AlphaFlags is one or more of the following, OR'd together:
AEGP_AlphaPremul is not set, straight alpha is assumed.AEGP_AlphaInverted indicates that higher values are transparent, instead of lower. |
AEGP_PulldownPhase pd; |
Indicates the phase for use in 3:2 pulldown. One of the following:
AEGP_LoopBehavior loop; |
Indicates the number of times the footage should loop.A_long loops; |
A_Ratio pix_aspect_ratio; |
Expresses the pixel aspect ratio of the footage (x over y). |
A_FpLong native_fpsF; |
The original framerate (in frames per second) of the footage item. |
A_FpLong conform_fpsF; |
The framerate being used for the footage item. |
A_long depthL; |
The pixel depth of the footage. One of the following:
A_Boolean motion_dB; |
Indicates whether motion de-interlacing is being applied to the footage item. |
Manage Layers¶
provides information about layers within a composition, and the relationship(s) between the source and layer times.
As most After Effects usage boils down to layer manipulation, this is among the largest function suites in our API.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetCompNumLayers |
Obtains the number of layers in a composition.AEGP_GetCompNumLayers( |
AEGP_GetCompLayerByIndex |
Get a AEGP_LayerH from a composition. Zero is the foremost layer.AEGP_GetCompLayerByIndex( |
AEGP_GetActiveLayer |
Get the active layer. If a Layer or effect controls palette is active, the active layer is that associated with the front-most tab in the window. If a composition or timeline window is active, the active layer is the selected layer (if only one is selected; otherwise NULL is returned).AEGP_GetActiveLayer( |
AEGP_GetLayerIndex |
Get the index of the layer (0 is the topmost layer in the composition).AEGP_GetLayerIndex( |
AEGP_GetLayerSourceItem |
Get the AEGP_ItemH of the layer's source item.AEGP_GetLayerSourceItem( |
AEGP_GetLayerSourceItemID |
Retrieves the ID of the given AEGP_LayerH .This is useful when hunting for a specific layer's ID in an AEGP_StreamVal .AEGP_GetLayerSourceItemID( |
AEGP_GetLayerParentComp |
Get the AEGP_CompH of the composition containing the layer.AEGP_GetLayerParentComp( |
AEGP_GetLayerName |
Get the name of a layer. Both utf_layer_namePH0 and utf_source_namePH0 point to null terminated UTF-16 strings.They must be disposed with AEGP_FreeMemHandle .AEGP_GetLayerName( |
AEGP_GetLayerQuality |
Get the quality of a layer.AEGP_GetLayerQuality( Layer quality is one of the following flags:
AEGP_SetLayerQuality |
Sets the quality of a layer (see flag values above). Undoable.AEGP_SetLayerQuality( |
AEGP_GetLayerFlags |
Get flags for a layer.AEGP_GetLayerFlags(
AEGP_SetLayerFlag |
Sets one layer flag at a time. Undoable.AEGP_SetLayerFlag( |
AEGP_IsLayerVideoReallyOn |
Determines whether the layer's video is visible. This is necessary to account for 'solo' status of other layers in the composition; non-solo'd layers are still on. AEGP_IsLayerVideoReallyOn( |
AEGP_IsLayerAudioReallyOn |
Accounts for solo status of other layers in the composition.AEGP_IsLayerAudioReallyOn( |
AEGP_GetLayerCurrentTime |
Get current time, in layer or composition timespace. This value is not updated during rendering. NOTE: If a layer starts at other than time 0 or is time-stretched other than 100%, layer time and composition time are distinct. AEGP_GetLayerCurrentTime( |
AEGP_GetLayerInPoint |
Get time of first visible frame in composition or layer time. In layer time, the in_pointPT is always 0.AEGP_GetLayerInPoint( |
AEGP_GetLayerDuration |
Get duration of layer, in composition or layer time, in seconds.AEGP_GetLayerDuration( |
AEGP_SetLayerInPointAndDuration |
Set duration and in point of layer in composition or layer time. Undo-able.AEGP_SetLayerInPointAndDuration( |
AEGP_GetLayerOffset |
Get the offset from the start of the composition to layer time 0, in composition time.AEGP_GetLayerOffset( |
AEGP_SetLayerOffset |
Set the offset from the start of the composition to the first frame of the layer, in composition time. Undoable.AEGP_SetLayerOffset( |
AEGP_GetLayerStretch |
Get stretch factor of a layer.AEGP_GetLayerStretch( |
AEGP_SetLayerStretch |
Set stretch factor of a layer.AEGP_SetLayerStretch( |
AEGP_GetLayerTransferMode |
Get transfer mode of a layer.AEGP_GetLayerTransferMode( |
AEGP_SetLayerTransferMode |
Set transfer mode of a layer. Undoable.AEGPSetLayerTransferMode( As of 23.0, when you make a layer a track matte, the layer being matted will be disabled, as when you do this via the interface. |
AEGP_IsAddLayerValid |
Tests whether it's currently valid to add a given item to a composition. A composition cannot be added to itself, or to any compositions which it contains; other conditions can preclude successful adding too. Adding a layer without first using this function will produce undefined results. AEGP_IsAddLayerValid( |
AEGP_AddLayer |
Add an item to the composition, above all other layers. Undo-able. Use AEGP_IsAddLayerValid() first, to confirm that it's possible.AEGP_AddLayer( |
AEGP_ReorderLayer |
Change the order of layers. Undoable.AEGP_ReorderLayer( To add a layer to the end of the composition, to use layer_indexL = AEGP_REORDER_LAYER_TO_END |
AEGP_GetLayerMaskedBounds |
Given a layer's handle and a time, returns the bounds of area visible with masks applied.AEGP_GetLayerMaskedBounds( |
AEGP_GetLayerObjectType |
Returns a layer's object type.AEGP_GetLayerObjectType(
AEGP_IsLayer3D |
Is the footage item a 3D layer. All AV layers are either 2D or 3D.AEGP_IsLayer3D( |
AEGP_IsLayer2D |
Is the footage item a 2D layer. All AV layers are either 2D or 3D.AEGP_IsLayer2D( |
AEGP_IsVideoActive |
Given composition time and a layer, see if the layer will render. Time mode is either AEGP_LTimeMode_LayerTime or AEGP_LTimeMode_CompTime .AEGP_IsVideoActive( |
AEGP_IsLayerUsedAsTrackMatte |
Is the layer used as a track matte?AEGP_IsLayerUsedAsTrackMatte( |
AEGP_DoesLayerHaveTrackMatte |
Does this layer have a Track Matte?AEGP_DoesLayerHaveTrackMatte( |
AEGP_ConvertCompToLayerTime |
Given a time in composition space, returns the time relative to the layer source footage.AEGP_ConvertCompToLayerTime( |
AEGP_ConvertLayerToCompTime |
Given a time in layer space, find the corresponding time in composition space.AEGP_ConvertLayerToCompTime( |
AEGP_GetLayerDancingRandValue |
Used by the dancing dissolve transfer function.AEGP_GetLayerDancingRandValue( |
AEGP_GetLayerID |
Supplies the layer's unique ID. This ID never changes during the lifetime of the project.AEGP_GetLayerID( |
AEGP_GetLayerToWorldXform |
Given a layer handle and time, returns the layer-to-world transformation matrix.AEGP_GetLayerToWorldXform( |
AEGP_GetLayerToWorldXformFromView |
Given a layer handle, the current (composition) time, and the requested view time, returns the translation between the user's view and the layer, corrected for the composition's current aspect ratio. AEGP_GetLayerToWorldXformFromView( |
AEGP_SetLayerName |
Sets the name of a layer. Undo-able. new_nameZ points to a null terminated UTF-16 string.AEGP_SetLayerName( |
AEGP_GetLayerParent |
Retrieves the handle to a layer's parent (none if not parented).AEGP_GetLayerParent( |
AEGP_SetLayerParent |
Sets a layer's parent layer.AEGP_SetLayerParent( |
AEGP_DeleteLayer |
Deletes a layer. Can you believe it took us three suite versions to add a delete function? Neither can we.AEGP_DeleteLayer( |
AEGP_DuplicateLayer |
Duplicates the layer. Undoable.AEGP_DuplicateLayer( |
AEGP_GetLayerFromLayerID |
Retrieves the AEGP_LayerH associated with a given AEGP_LayerIDVal (which is what you get when accessing an effect's layer parameter stream).AEGP_GetLayerFromLayerID( |
AEGP_GetLayerLabel |
Gets a layer's AEGP_LabelID .AEGP_GetLayerLabel( |
AEGP_SetLayerLabel |
Sets a layer's AEGP_LabelID . Undoable.AEGP_SetLayerLabel( |
AEGP_GetLayerSamplingQuality |
New in CC. Get the sampling quality of a layer.AEGP_GetLayerSamplingQuality( Layer sampling quality is one of the following flags:
AEGP_SetLayerSamplingQuality |
New in CC. Sets the sampling quality of a layer (see flag values above). Option is explicitly set on the layer independent of layer quality. If you want to force it on you must also set the layer quality to AEGP_LayerQual_BEST with AEGP_SetLayerQuality .Otherwise it will only be using the specified layer sampling quality whenever the layer quality is set to AEGP_LayerQual_BEST .Undoable. AEGP_SetLayerSamplingQuality( |
AEGP_GetTrackMatteLayer |
New in 23.0. Returns the track matte layer of layerH . Returns NULL if there is no track matte layer.AEGP_GetTrackMatteLayer( |
AEGP_SetTrackMatte |
New in 23.0. Sets the track matte layer and track matte type of layerH .Track Matte Types:
AEGP_TrackMatte_NO_TRACK_MATTE removes track matte.AEGP_SetTrackMatte( |
AEGP_RemoveTrackMatte |
New in 23.0. Removes the track matte layer of layerH .AEGP_RemoveTrackMatte( |
Layer Creation Notes¶
All layers created using AEGP calls will start at composition time 0, and have the duration of the composition.
Use AEGP_SetLayerOffset()
and AEGP_SetLayerInPointAndDuration()
from AEGP_LayerSuite9 to properly set the layer's time information.
When the layer stretch factor (obtained using AEGP_GetLayerStretch
in AEGP_LayerSuite9, naturally) is not 100%, the following computation will be needed to yield the correct layer offset:
offset = compIn - stretch \* layerIn;
Communication With A Layer's Effects¶
Access the effects applied to a layer. This suite provides access to all parameter data streams.
Use the Stream Suite to work with those streams.
An AEGP_Effect_RefH
is a reference to an applied effect. An AEGP_InstalledEffectKey
is a reference to an installed effect, which may or may not be currently applied to anything.
If Foobarocity is applied to a layer twice, there will be two distinct AEGP_Effect_RefHs
, but they'll both return the same AEGP_InstalledEffectKey
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetLayerNumEffects |
Get number of effects applied to a layer.AEGP_GetLayerNumEffects( |
AEGP_GetLayerEffectByIndex |
Retrieves (by index) a reference to an effect applied to the layer.AEGP_GetLayerEffectByIndex( |
AEGP_GetInstalledKeyFromLayerEffect |
Given an AEGP_EffectRefH , retrieves its associated AEGP_InstalledEffectKey .AEGP_GetInstalledKeyFromLayerEffect( |
AEGP_GetEffectParamUnionByIndex |
Returns description of effect parameter. Do not use the value(s) in the ParamDef returned by this function (Use AEGP_GetNewStreamValue() instead);it's provided so AEGPs can access parameter defaults, checkbox names, and pop-up strings. Use AEGP_GetEffectNumParamStreams() from AEGP_StreamSuite5 to get the stream count,useful for determining the maximum param_index .The last parameter is optional; AEGP_GetEffectParamUnionByIndex( |
AEGP_GetEffectFlags |
Obtains the flags for the given AEGP_EffectRefH .AEGP_GetEffectFlags( Flags will be a combination of the following:
AEGP_SetEffectFlags |
Sets the flags (enumerated above) for the given AEGP_EffectRefH , masked by a different set of effect flags.AEGP_SetEffectFlags( |
AEGP_ReorderEffect |
Change the order of applied effects (pass the requested index).AEGP_ReorderEffect( |
AEGP_EffectCallGeneric |
Call an effect plug-in, and pass it a pointer to any data you like; the effect can modify it. This is how AEGPs communicate with effects. Pass PF_Cmd_COMPLETELY_GENERAL for effect_cmd .AEGP_EffectCallGeneric( |
AEGP_DisposeEffect |
Disposes of an AEGP_EffectRefH. Use this to dispose of any AEGP_EffectRefH returned by After Effects.AEGP_DisposeEffect( |
AEGP_ApplyEffect |
Apply an effect to a given layer. Returns the newly-created AEGP_EffectRefH .AEGP_ApplyEffect( |
AEGP_DeleteLayerEffect |
Remove an applied effect.AEGP_DeleteLayerEffect( |
AEGP_GetNumInstalledEffects |
Returns the count of effects installed in After Effects.AEGP_GetNumInstalledEffects( |
AEGP_GetNextInstalledEffect |
Returns the AEGP_InstalledEffectKey of the next installed effect.Pass AEGP_InstalledEffectKey_NONE as the first parameter to obtain the first AEGP_InstalledEffectKey .AEGP_GetNextInstalledEffect( |
AEGP_GetEffectName |
Get name of the effect. nameZ can be up to AEGP_MAX_EFFECT_NAME_SIZE + 1 long.AEGP_GetEffectName( Note: use AEGP_SetStreamName to change the display name of an effect. |
AEGP_GetEffectMatchName |
Get match name of an effect (defined in PiPL). match_nameZ up to AEGP_MAX_EFFECT_MATCH_NAME_SIZE + 1 long.AEGP_GetEffectMatchName( Match names are in 7-bit ASCII. UI names are in the current application runtime encoding; for example, ISO 8859-1 for most languages on Windows. |
AEGP_GetEffectCategory |
Menu category of effect. categoryZ can be up to AEGP_MAX_EFFECT_CATEGORY_NAME_SIZE + 1 long.AEGP_GetEffectCategory( |
AEGP_DuplicateEffect |
Duplicates a given AEGP_EffectRefH . Caller must dispose of duplicate when finished.AEGP_DuplicateEffect( |
AEGP_NumEffectMask |
New in CC 2014. How many masks are on this effect?AEGP_NumEffectMask( |
AEGP_GetEffectMaskID |
New in CC 2014. For a given mask_indexL, returns the corresponding AEGP_MaskIDVal for use in uniquely identifying the mask.AEGP_GetEffectMaskID( |
AEGP_AddEffectMask |
New in CC 2014. Add an effect mask, which may be created using the Mask Management. Returns the local stream of the effect ref - useful if you want to add keyframes. Caller must dispose of AEGP_StreamRefH when finished.Undoable. AEGP_AddEffectMask( |
AEGP_RemoveEffectMask |
New in CC 2014. Remove an effect mask. Undoable. AEGP_RemoveEffectMask( |
AEGP_SetEffectMask |
New in CC 2014. Set an effect mask on an existing index. Returns the local stream of the effect ref - useful if you want to add keyframes. Caller must dispose of AEGP_StreamRefH when finished.Undoable. AEGP_SetEffectMask( |
Exploiting Effect UI Behavior To Look Cool¶
Even if you manipulate a layer's effects, its effect controls won't necessarily become visible.
However, if you apply then immediately remove an effect, the layer's effect controls will be made visible.
Tricky, eh?
StreamRefs And EffectRefs¶
How do you get an AEGP_StreamRef for an effect? Start by getting the effect's AEGP_EffectRef
, by calling AEGP_GetNewEffectForEffect()
Then call AEGP_GetNewEffectStreamByIndex()
, say for param index 1, which passes back a parameter stream.
Then call AEGP_GetNewParentStreamRef()
- voila, your AEGP_StreamRef
If you acquire references to an effect's streams, do not dispose of the AEGP_EffectRefH
until you're done with the streams, or you'll unbalance After Effects' checkout mechanism. Also remember that AEGP_StreamRefHs are opaque; AEGP_StreamValue2s
are not (entirely).
To get an effect's instance name (as renamed by the user), get the AEGP_StreamRef for the effect itself and call AEGP_GetStreamName
Diving Into Streams!¶
Just about everything in After Effects is a stream. Effect parameters, layers, masks, and shapes are all internally represented by streams. The AEGP API can access nearly every aspect of every stream.
The After Effects timeline can contain numerous object types; each object supports a set of parameters called streams. All streams, regardless of which type of object to which they're attached, are conceptually similar (and handled similarly by After Effects. But the way you access each type of stream varies because of their containment.
A stream, once acquired, represents a value which may change over time. Not all streams *can* vary over time, and a particular stream may not be time-variant at the time of access.
There are two ways to access the value of a stream. If the stream has keyframes, you can use the Working With Keyframes. The values provided won't reflect the influence of expressions. Note: In any expression, the current keyframed value is always available as the variable value.
You can also use AEGP_GetNewStreamValue
from AEGP_StreamSuite5, which samples the value of the stream at a particular time. For streams without expressions or keyframes, the time parameter is meaningless, and the function returns what essentially is the constant value of the stream. Use AEGP_SetStreamValue
(which doesn't take a time as a parameter) to set these streams.
Many StreamSuite functions populate a StreamH, which your AEGP must dispose. when done. After Effects allocates and passes you a copy of the values, not a direct handle to the original value. AEGP_GetNewLayerStream()
is restricted to streams for which no memory allocation is required to access their values.
Okay, What Did I Just Get?¶
A stream value is a large union, only one structure of which (depending on the stream type) is populated. Note the similarity to the PF_ParamDef.
typedef union {
AEGP_FourDVal four_d;
AEGP_ThreeDVal three_d;
AEGP_TwoDVal two_d;
AEGP_OneDVal one_d;
AEGP_ColorVal color;
AEGP_ArbBlockVal arbH;
AEGP_MarkerValP markerP;
AEGP_LayerIDVal layer_id;
AEGP_MaskIDVal mask_id;
AEGP_MaskOutlineValH mask;
AEGP_TextDocumentH text_documentH;
} AEGP_StreamVal2;
is used to access the parameters like anchor point and position, native to almost all layers in AE.
Use IsStreamLegal
to allow you to determine if that stream type is offered on that layer.
Since a layer can have multiple masks, access the masks using AEGP_GetLayerMaskByIndex
from AEGP_MaskSuite6.
Masks don't have streams like layers do; they get their own enumeration. Access their streams using AEGP_GetNewMaskStream
from AEGP_StreamSuite5.
They can have a variable number of streams/parameters, and the order and definition of them is not known when the AEGP is written.
Therefore we cannot offer an enum for selecting them, and instead you must get them by index, hence GetNewEffectStreamByIndex
from AEGP_StreamSuite5.
Stream Suite¶
Access and manipulate the values of a layer's streams. For paint and text streams, use Dynamic Streams instead.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_IsStreamLegal |
Determines if the given stream is appropriate for the given layer.AEGP_IsStreamLegal( |
AEGP_CanVaryOverTime |
Given a stream, returns whether or not a stream is time-variant (and can be keyframed).AEGP_CanVaryOverTime( |
AEGP_GetValidInterpolations |
Retrieves an AEGP_KeyInterpolationMask indicating which interpolation types are valid for the AEGP_StreamRefH .AEGP_GetValidInterpolations( AEGP_KeyInterpolationMask will be a combination of the following:
AEGP_GetNewLayerStream |
Get a layer's data stream. Plug-in must dispose of streamPH . Note that this will not provide keyframe access;Use the AEGP_KeyframeSuite instead. AEGP_GetNewLayerStream(
AEGP_ObjectType_CAMERA :
AEGP_ObjectType_LIGHT :
AEGP_ObjectType_AV :
AEGP_ObjectType_AV , new in CS6:
LIGHT and AV only:
enum { |
AEGP_GetEffectNumParamStreams |
Get number of parameter streams associated with an effect.AEGP_GetEffectNumParamStreams( |
AEGP_GetNewEffectStreamByIndex |
Get an effect's parameter stream. Plug-in must dispose of streamPH .AEGP_GetNewEffectStreamByIndex( |
AEGP_GetNewMaskStream |
Get a mask's stream. The stream must be disposed. Also see the AEGP_MaskSuite and AEGP_MaskOutlineSuite for additional Mask functions.
AEGP_GetNewMaskStream( |
AEGP_DisposeStream |
Dispose of a stream (do this with all streams passed to the plug-in by these functions).AEGP_DisposeStream( |
AEGP_GetNewMaskOpacity |
Get the mask's opacity stream. The stream must be disposed.AEGP_GetNewMaskOpacity( |
AEGP_GetStreamName |
Get name of the stream (localized or forced English). is handle of A_UTF16Char (contains null terminated UTF16 string);must be disposed with AEGP_FreeMemHandle .AEGP_GetStreamName( NOTE: if force_englishB is TRUE, the default name will override any stream renaming which has been done (either programatically, or by the user). |
AEGP_GetStreamUnitsText |
Get stream units, formatted as text (localized or forced English); unitsZ up to AEGP_MAX_STREAM_NAME_LEN + 1 long.AEGP_GetStreamUnitsText( |
AEGP_GetStreamProperties |
Get stream's flags, as well as minimum and maximum values (as floats), if the stream *has* mins and maxes. StreamFlags values:
AEGP_GetStreamProperties( |
AEGP_IsStreamTimevarying |
Returns whether or not the stream is affected by expressions.AEGP_IsStreamTimevarying( |
AEGP_GetStreamType |
Get type (dimension) of a stream.AEGP_GetStreamType(
ThreeD_Spatial for position, regardless of whether or not the layer is 3D. |
AEGP_GetNewStreamValue |
Get value, at a time you specify, of stream. valueP must be disposed by the plug-in.The AEGP_LTimeMode indicates whether the time is in compositions or layer time.AEGP_GetNewStreamValue( |
AEGP_DisposeStreamValue |
Dispose of stream value. Always deallocate values passed to the plug-in.AEGP_DisposeStreamValue( |
AEGP_SetStreamValue |
Only legal when stream is not time-variant.AEGP_SetStreamValue( |
AEGP_GetLayerStreamValue |
NOTE: This convenience function is only valid for streams with primitive data types, and not for AEGP_ArbBlockVal , AEGP_MarkerValH or AEGP_MaskOutlineValH .For these and other complex types, use AEGP_GetNewStreamValue , described above.AEGP_GetLayerStreamValue( |
AEGP_GetExpressionState |
Determines whether expressions are enabled on the given AEGP_StreamRefH .AEGP_GetExpressionState( |
AEGP_SetExpressionState |
Enables and disables expressions on the given AEGP_StreamRefH .AEGP_SetExpressionState( |
AEGP_GetExpression |
Obtains the expression's text. Starting in suite version 5 (available in 15.0 and later), this now supports Unicode.AEGP_GetExpression( |
AEGP_SetExpression |
Sets the expression's text. Starting in suite version 5 (available in 15.0 and later), this now supports Unicode.AEGP_SetExpression( |
AEGP_DuplicateStreamRef |
Duplicates a given AEGP_StreamRefH . Dispose of the duplicate.AEGP_DuplicateStreamRef( |
Dynamic Streams¶
accesses and manipulates paint and text streams.
Use AEGP_GetStreamGroupingType
and AEGP_GetDynamicStreamFlags
to identify the stream before attempting to use functions which only work on certain stream types.
Also note that, often, you can simply use Stream Suite calls to work with dynamic streams. On the other hand, only those functions specific to dynamic streams are in this suite.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetNewStreamRefForLayer |
Retrieves the AEGP_StreamRefH corresponding to the layer. This function is used to initiate a recursive walk of the layer's streams.AEGP_GetNewStreamRefForLayer( |
AEGP_GetNewStreamRefForMask |
Retrieves the AEGP_StreamRefH corresponding to the mask.AEGP_GetNewStreamRefForMask( |
AEGP_GetStreamDepth |
Retrieves the number of sub-streams associated with the given AEGP_StreamRefH .The initial layer has a depth of 0. AEGP_GetStreamDepth( |
AEGP_GetStreamGroupingType |
Retrieves the grouping type for the given AEGP_StreamRefH .AEGP_GetStreamGroupingType( AEGP_StreamGroupingType will be one of the following:
AEGP_GetNumStreamsInGroup |
Retrieves the number of streams associated with the given AEGP_StreamRefH .This function will return an error if called with an AEGP_StreamRefH with type AEGP_StreamGroupingType_LEAF .AEGP_GetNumStreamsInGroup( |
AEGP_GetDynamicStreamFlags |
Retrieves the flags for a given AEGP_StreamRefH.AEGP_GetDynamicStreamFlags( AEGP_DynStreamFlags will be one of the following:
AEGP_SetDynamicStreamFlag |
Sets the specified flag for the AEGP_StreamRefH .Note: flags must be set individually. Undoable if undoableB is TRUE .AEGP_SetDynamicStreamFlag( This call may be used to dynamically show or hide parameters, by setting and clearing AEGP_DynStreamFlag_HIDDEN .However, AEGP_DynStreamFlag_DISABLED may not be set. |
AEGP_GetNewStreamRefByIndex |
Retrieves a sub-stream by index from a given AEGP_StreamRefH . Cannot be used on streams of type AEGP_StreamGroupingType_LEAF .AEGP_GetNewStreamRefByIndex( |
AEGP_GetNewStreamRefByMatchname |
Retrieves a sub-stream by match name from a given AEGP_StreamRefH . Only legal for AEGP_StreamGroupingType_NAMED_GROUP .AEGP_GetNewStreamRefByMatchname( Here are some handy stream names, for which references may be retrieved:
AEGP_DeleteStream |
Deletes the specified stream from a stream grouping. Note that the caller must still dispose of any AEGP_StreamRefH it's already acquired (allocated) via the API. Undoable.Only valid for children of type AEGP_StreamGroupingType_INDEXED_GROUP .AEGP_DeleteStream( Note: as of 6.5, if a stream is deleted while it or any child stream is selected, the current composition selection will become NULL . |
AEGP_ReorderStream |
Sets the new index of the specified AEGP_StreamRefH . Undoable.Only valid for children of AEGP_StreamGroupingType_INDEXED_GROUP .The AEGP_StreamRefH is updated to refer to the newly-ordered stream.AEGP_ReorderStream( |
AEGP_DuplicateStream |
Duplicates the specified stream and appends it to the stream group. Undoable. Only valid for children of AEGP_StreamGroupingType_INDEXED_GROUP .AEGP_DuplicateStream( |
AEGP_SetStreamName |
Sets the name of the given AEGP_StreamRefH . Undoable. nameZ points to a null terminated UTF-16 string.Only valid for children of AEGP_StreamGroupingType_INDEXED_GROUP .NOTE: If you retrieve the name with force_englishB set to TRUE , you will get the canonical, UNchanged name of the stream.AEGP_SetStreamName( Note: Use this on an effect stream's group to change the display name of an effect. |
AEGP_CanAddStream |
Returns whether or not it is currently possible to add a stream through the API.AEGP_CanAddStream( |
AEGP_AddStream |
Adds a stream to the specified stream group. Undoable. Only valid for AEGP_StreamGroupingType_INDEXED_GROUP .AEGP_AddStream( |
AEGP_GetMatchName |
Retrieves the match name for the specified AEGP_StreamRefH .Note that this may differ from the display name, which can be retrieves using AEGP_GetStreamName , in AEGP_StreamSuite5.nameZ can be up to AEGP_MAX_STREAM_MATCH_NAME_SIZE in length.AEGP_GetMatchName( |
AEGP_GetNewParentStreamRef |
Retrieves an AEGP_StreamRefH for the parent of the specified AEGP_StreamRefH .AEGP_GetNewParentStreamRef( |
AEGP_GetStreamIsModified |
Returns whether or not the specified AEGP_StreamRefH has been modified.Note: the same result is available throught the After Effect user interface by typing "UU" with the composition selected. AEGP_GetStreamIsModified( |
AEGP_GetStreamIndexInParent |
Retrieves the index of a given stream, relative to its parent stream. Only valid for children of AEGP_StreamGroupingType_INDEXED_GROUP AEGP_GetStreamIndexInParent( NOTE: As mentioned *elsewhere*, AEGP_StreamRefHs don't persist across function calls.If streams are re-ordered, added or removed, all AEGP_StreamRefHs previously retrieved may be invalidated. |
AEGP_IsSeparationLeader |
Valid on leaf streams only. Returns true if this stream is a multidimensional stream that can have its dimensions separated, though they may not be currently separated. Terminology: A Leader is the stream that can be separated, a Follower is one of N automatic streams that correspond to the N dimensions of the Leader. A Leader isn't always separated, call AEGP_AreDimensionsSeparated to find out if it is.As of CS4, the only stream that is ever separarated is the layer's Position property. Please *do not* write code assuming that, we anticipate allowing separation of more streams in the future. AEGP_IsSeparationLeader( |
AEGP_AreDimensionsSeparated |
Methods such as AEGP_GetNewKeyframeValue that work on keyframe indices willmost definitely *not* work on the Leader property, you will need to retrieve and operate on the Followers explicitly. AEGP_AreDimensionsSeparated( |
AEGP_SetDimensionsSeparated |
Valid only if AEGP_IsSeparationLeader() is true .AEGP_AreDimensionsSeparated( |
AEGP_GetSeparationFollower |
Retrieve the Follower stream corresponding to a given dimension of the Leader stream.dimS can range from 0 to AEGP_GetStreamValueDimensionality(lea der_streamH) - 1 .AEGP_GetSeparationFollower( |
AEGP_IsSeparationFollower |
Valid on leaf streams only. Returns true if this stream is a one dimensional property that represents one of the dimensions of a Leader.You can retrieve stream from the Leader using AEGP_GetSeparationFollower() .AEGP_IsSeparationFollower( |
AEGP_GetSeparationLeader |
Valid on separation Followers only, returns the Leader it is part of.AEGP_GetSeparationLeader( |
AEGP_GetSeparationDimension |
Valid on separation Followers only, returns which dimension of the Leader it corresponds to.AEGP_GetSeparationDimension( |
Working With Keyframes¶
Keyframes make After Effects what it is. AEGPs (and...ssshh, don't tell anyone...effects) can use this suite to add, manipulate and remove keyframes from any keyframe-able stream.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetStreamNumKFs |
Retrieves the number of keyframes on the given stream. Returns AEGP_NumKF_NO_DATA if the stream is not keyframe-able.Also, note that a stream without keyframes isn't necessarily constant; it can be altered by expressions. AEGP_GetStreamNumKFs( |
AEGP_GetKeyframeTime |
Retrieves the time of the specified keyframe.AEGP_GetKeyframeTime( |
AEGP_InsertKeyframe |
Adds a keyframe to the specified stream (at the specified composition or layer time). Returns the new keyframe's index. All indexes greater than the new index are now invalid (but you knew that). If there is already a keyframe at that time, the values will be updated. AEGP_InsertKeyframe( |
AEGP_DeleteKeyframe |
Deletes the specified keyframe.AEGP_DeleteKeyframe( |
AEGP_GetNewKeyframeValue |
Creates and populates an AEGP_StreamValue2 for the stream's value at the time of the keyframe.The returned AEGP_StreamValue2 must be disposed of using AEGP_DisposeStreamValue .AEGP_GetNewKeyframeValue( |
AEGP_SetKeyframeValue |
Sets the stream's value at the time of the keyframe.AEGP_SetKeyframeValue( |
AEGP_GetStreamValueDimensionality |
Retrieves the dimensionality of the stream's value.AEGP_GetStreamValueDimensionality( |
AEGP_GetStreamTemporalDimensionality |
Retrieves the temporal dimensionality of the stream.AEGP_GetStreamTemporalDimensionality( |
AEGP_GetNewKeyframeSpatialTangents |
Returns the AEGP_StreamValue2s representing the stream's tangential values at the time of the keyframe.The returned AEGP_StreamValue2s must be disposed of using AEGP_DisposeStreamValue .AEGP_GetNewKeyframeSpatialTangents( |
AEGP_SetKeyframeSpatialTangents |
Specifies the tangential AEGP_StreamValue2s to be used for the stream's value at the time of the keyframe.The AEGP_StreamValue2s passed for in and out tangents are not adopted by After Effects, and must be disposed of using AEGP_DisposeStreamValue .AEGP_SetKeyframeSpatialTangents( NOTE: In AEGP_KeyframeSuite2 and prior versions, the values returned from this functionwere wrong when called on an effect point control stream or anchor point. They were not multiplied by the layer size. Now they are. |
AEGP_GetKeyframeTemporalEase |
Retrieves the AEGP_KeyframeEases associated with the specified dimension of the stream's value at the time of the keyframe.dimensionL ranges from 0 to (temporal_dimensionality -1) .AEGP_GetKeyframeTemporalEase( NOTE: the returned ease values must be multiplied by layer height to match the values displayed in the After Effects UI. |
AEGP_SetKeyframeTemporalEase |
Specifies the AEGP_KeyframeEases to be used for the stream's value at the time of the keyframe.dimensionL ranges from 0 to (temporal_dimensionality -1) .The AEGP_KeyframeEases passed are not adopted by After Effects.AEGP_SetKeyframeTemporalEase( |
AEGP_GetKeyframeFlags |
Retrieves the flags currently set for the keyframe.AEGP_GetKeyframeFlags( *flagsP will be a combination of the following:
AEGP_SetKeyframeFlag |
Sets the specified flag for the keyframe. Flags must be set individually.AEGP_SetKeyframeFlag( |
AEGP_GetKeyframeInterpolation |
Retrieves the in and out AEGP_KeyframeInterpolationTypes for the specified keyframe.AEGP_GetKeyframeInterpolation( AEGP_KeyframeInterpolationType is one of the following:
AEGP_SetKeyframeInterpolation |
Specifies the in and out AEGP_KeyframeInterpolationTypes to be used for the given keyframe.AEGP_SetKeyframeInterpolation( |
AEGP_StartAddKeyframes |
Informs After Effects that you're going to be adding several keyframes to the specified stream. After Effects will return an allocated opaque AEGP_AddKeyframesInfoH , for use with the calls below.AEGP_StartAddKeyframes( |
AEGP_AddKeyframes |
Adds a keyframe to the specified stream at the specified (layer or composition) time. Note: this doesn't actually do anything to the stream's value. AEGP_AddKeyframes( |
AEGP_SetAddKeyframe |
Sets the value of the specified keyframe.AEGP_SetAddKeyframe( |
AEGP_EndAddKeyframes |
Tells After Effects you're done adding keyframes.AEGP_EndAddKeyframes( |
Adding Multiple Keyframes¶
Each time you call AEGP_InsertKeyframe()
, the entire stream is added to the undo stack.
If you're adding one or two keyframes, this isn't a problem. However, if you're writing a keyframer, you'll want to do things the *right* way.
Before you begin adding keyframes, call the (very-appropriately-named) AEGP_StartAddKeyframes
, passing it an opaque AEGP_AddKeyframesInfoH
For each keyframe to add, call AEGP_AddKeyframes
to set the time to be used (and get the newly-added keyframe's index), then AEGP_SetAddKeyframe
to specify the value to be used.
Once you're finished, call AEGP_EndAddKeyframes
to let know After Effects know it's time to add the changed parameter stream to the undo stack.
Marker Streams¶
allows for direct manipulation of marker data.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_NewMarker |
Creates a new marker.AEGP_NewMarker( |
AEGP_DisposeMarker |
Disposes of a marker.AEGP_DisposeMarker( |
AEGP_DuplicateMarker |
Duplicates a marker (didn't see *that* one coming, eh?).AEGP_DuplicateMarker( |
AEGP_SetMarkerFlag |
Sets a marker flag's value.AEGP_SetMarkerFlag( Currently, AEGP_MarkerFlagType is one of the following:
AEGP_GetMarkerFlag |
Gets the value (see above) of a given AEGP_MarkerFlagType .AEGP_GetMarkerFlag( |
AEGP_GetMarkerString |
Retrieves the UTF-16, NULL-terminated string located in the specified marker field. Must be disposed of by caller using AEGP_FreeMemHandle .AEGP_GetMarkerString( |
AEGP_SetMarkerString |
Sets the specified field of a marker to the provided text.AEGP_SetMarkerString( |
AEGP_CountCuePointParams |
Returns the number of cue point parameters.AEGP_CountCuePointParams( |
AEGP_GetIndCuePointParam |
Returns the cue point param at the specified index (which must be between 0 and (cue point params -1) .Returned handles are UTF-16, NULL-terminated strings, and must be disposed of by caller using AEGP_FreeMemHandle .AEGP_GetIndCuePointParam( |
AEGP_SetIndCuePointParam |
Set the value of an indexed cue point parameter to the specified value.key_lengthL is "number of unicode characters", and value_lenL is the length of the provided value.unicode_KeyP and unicode_ValueP point to UTF-16 data.AEGP_SetIndCuePointParam( |
AEGP_InsertCuePointParam |
Inserts a cue point parameter. This call is following by AEGP_SetIndCuePointParam to actually set the data.AEGP_InsertCuePointParam( |
AEGP_DeleteInd CuePointParam |
Deletes the cue point param at the specified index.AEGP_DeleteIndCuePointParam( |
AEGP_SetMarkerDuration |
AEGP_SetMarkerDuration( |
AEGP_GetMarkerDuration |
AEGP_GetMarkerDuration( |
Mask Management¶
Access, manipulate, and delete a layer's masks.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetLayerNumMasks |
Counts the masks applied to a layer,AEGP_GetLayerNumMasks( |
AEGP_GetLayerMaskByIndex |
Given a layer handle and mask index, returns a pointer to the mask handle. You must destroy the mask handle by using AEGP_DisposeMask() .AEGP_GetLayerMaskByIndex( |
AEGP_DisposeMask |
Dispose of a mask handle.AEGP_DisposeMask( |
AEGP_GetMaskInvert |
Given a mask handle, determines if the mask is inverted or not.AEGP_GetMaskInvert( |
AEGP_SetMaskInvert |
Sets the inversion state of a mask.AEGP_SetMaskInvert( |
AEGP_GetMaskMode |
Given a mask handle, returns the current mode of the mask.PF_MaskMode_NONE does nothing,PF_MaskMode_ADD is the default behavior.
AEGP_GetMaskMode( |
AEGP_SetMaskMode |
Sets the mode of the given mask.AEGP_SetMaskMode( |
AEGP_GetMaskMotionBlurState |
Retrieves the motion blur setting for the given mask.AEGP_GetMaskMotionBlurState( AEGP_MaskMBlur will be one of the following:
AEGP_SetMaskMotionBlurState |
New in CS6. Sets the motion blur setting for the given mask.AEGP_SetMaskMotionBlurState( |
AEGP_GetMaskFeatherFalloff |
New in CS6. Gets the type of feather falloff for the given mask, eitherAEGP_MaskFeatherFalloff_SMOOTH or AEGP_MaskFeatherFalloff_LINEAR .AEGP_SetMaskMotionBlurState( |
AEGP_SetMaskFeatherFalloff |
Sets the type of feather falloff for the given mask.AEGP_SetMaskMotionBlurState( |
AEGP_GetMaskName |
Removed in CS4. Use AEGP_GetNewStreamRefForMask and the name functions in the Dynamic Stream Suite instead. |
AEGP_SetMaskName |
AEGP_GetMaskID |
Retrieves the AEGP_MaskIDVal for the given AEGP_MaskRefH , for use in uniquely identifying the mask.AEGP_GetMaskID( |
AEGP_CreateNewMask |
Creates a new mask on the referenced AEGP_LayerH , with zero nodes. The new mask's index is returned.AEGP_CreateNewMask( |
AEGP_DeleteMaskFromLayer |
AEGP_DeleteMaskFromLayer( NOTE: As of 6.5, if you delete a mask and it or a child stream is selected, the current selection within the composition will become NULL. |
AEGP_GetMaskColor |
Retrieves the color of the specified mask.AEGP_GetMaskColor( |
AEGP_SetMaskColor |
Sets the color of the specified mask.AEGP_SetMaskColor( |
AEGP_GetMaskLockState |
Retrieves the lock state of the specified mask.AEGP_GetMaskLockState( |
AEGP_SetMaskLockState |
Sets the lock state of the specified mask.AEGP_SetMaskLockState( |
AEGP_GetMaskIsRotoBezier |
Returns whether or not the given mask is used as a rotobezier.AEGP_GetMaskIsRotoBezier( |
AEGP_SetMaskIsRotoBezier |
Sets whether a given mask is to be used as a rotobezier.AEGP_SetMaskIsRotoBezier( |
AEGP_DuplicateMask |
Duplicates a given AEGP_MaskRefH . Caller must dispose of duplicate.AEGP_DuplicateMask( |
Mask Outlines¶
The Mask Suite above tells plug-ins about the masks on a layer, but not about the details of those masks.
This is because processing is required on After Effects' part to access the information; the information isn't just lying around.
Plug-ins access that information using this Mask Outline Suite.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_IsMaskOutlineOpen |
Given an mask outline pointer (obtainable through the Stream Suite), determines if the mask path is open or closed. AEGP_IsMaskOutlineOpen( |
AEGP_SetMaskOutlineOpen |
Sets the open state of the given mask outline.AEGP_SetMaskOutlineOpen( |
AEGP_GetMaskOutlineNumSegments |
Given a mask outline pointer, returns the number of segments in the path.num_segmentsPL is the total number of segments [0...N-1] .AEGP_GetMaskOutlineNumSegments( |
AEGP_GetMaskOutlineVertexInfo |
Given a mask outline pointer and a point between 0 and the total number of segments. For closed mask paths, vertex[0] is the same as vertex[num_segments] .AEGP_GetMaskOutlineVertexInfo( |
AEGP_SetMaskOutlineVertexInfo |
Sets the vertex information for a given index. Setting vertex 0 is special; its in tangent will actually set the out tangent of the last vertex in the outline. Of course, which_pointL must be valid for the mask outline, or the function will return an error.AEGP_SetMaskOutlineVertexInfo( |
AEGP_CreateVertex |
Creates a vertex at index position. All vertices which formerly had an AEGP_VertexIndex of position or greater will have their indices incremented by one.AEGP_CreateVertex( NOTE: All masks must have at least one vertex. |
AEGP_DeleteVertex |
Removes a vertex from a mask.AEGP_DeleteVertex( |
AEGP_GetMaskOutlineNumFeathers |
New in CS6.AEGP_DeleteVertex( |
AEGP_GetMaskOutlineFeatherInfo |
New in CS6.AEGP_GetMaskOutlineFeatherInfo( |
AEGP_SetMaskOutlineFeatherInfo |
New in CS6. Feather must already exist; use AEGP_CreateMaskOutlineFeather first, if needed.AEGP_SetMaskOutlineFeatherInfo( |
AEGP_CreateMaskOutlineFeather |
New in CS6. Index of new feather is passed back in insert_positionP .AEGP_CreateMaskOutlineFeather( |
AEGP_DeleteMaskOutlineFeather |
New in CS6.AEGP_DeleteMaskOutlineFeather( |
Mask Feathering¶
New for CS6, masks can be feathered.
is defined as follows:
typedef struct {
A_long segment; // mask segment where feather is
PF_FpLong segment_sF; // 0-1: feather location on segment
PF_FpLong radiusF; // negative value allowed if type == AEGP_MaskFeatherType_INNER
PF_FpShort ui_corner_angleF; // 0-1: angle of UI handle on corners
PF_FpShort tensionF; // 0-1: tension of boundary at feather pt
AEGP_MaskFeatherInterp interp;
AEGP_MaskFeatherType type;
} AEGP_MaskFeather;
is either AEGP_MaskFeatherInterp_NORMAL
or AEGP_MaskFeatherInterp_HOLD_CW
is either AEGP_MaskFeatherType_OUTER
or AEGP_MaskFeatherType_INNER
This suite enables AEGPs to get and set the text associated with text layers.
Note: to get started, retrieve an AEGP_TextDocumentH
by calling AEGP_GetLayerStreamValue
, above, and passing AEGP_StreamType_TEXT_DOCUMENT
as the AEGP_StreamType
Working With Text Layers¶
This suite enables AEGPs to get and set the text associated with text layers.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetNewText |
Retrieves the UTF-16, NULL-terminated string used in the AEGP_TextDocumentH .Note: After Effects will allocate the AEGP_MemHandle ;your plug-in must dispose of it when done using AEGP_FreeMemHandle .AEGP_GetNewText( |
AEGP_SetText |
Specifies the text to be used by the AEGP_TextDocumentH .AEGP_SetText( |
Working With Text Outlines¶
The AEGP_TextLayerSuite
provides access to the actual outlines of the text used by text layers.
Once you have a path, you can manipulate it with PF_PathQuerySuite1 and PF_PathDataSuite.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetNewTextOutlines |
Allocates and returns a handle to the AEGP_TextOutlinesHs associated with the specified layer.outlinesPH will be NULL if there are no AEGP_TextOutlinesHs associated with layerH (in other words, if it's not a text layer).AEGP_GetNewTextOutlines( |
AEGP_DisposeTextOutlines |
Dispose of those outlines we allocated on your behalf!AEGP_DisposeTextOutlines( |
AEGP_GetNumTextOutlines |
Retrieves the number of text outlines for the layer.AEGP_GetNumTextOutlines( |
AEGP_GetIndexedTextOutline |
Returns a PF_PathOutlinePtr for the specifed text outline.AEGP_GetIndexedTextOutline( |
Utility Functions¶
The Utility suite supplies error message handling, AEGP version checking and access to the undo stack.
Everything you need to keep After Effects and your plug-in tidy.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_ReportInfo |
Displays dialog with name of the AEGP followed by the string passed.AEGP_ReportInfo( |
AEGP_ReportInfoUnicode |
New in CC. Displays dialog with name of the AEGP followed by the unicode string passed.AEGP_ReportInfoUnicode( |
AEGP_GetDriverSpecVersion |
Returns version of AEGPDriver plug-in (use to determine supported features).AEGP_GetDriverSpecVersion( |
AEGP_StartQuietErrors |
Silences errors. Must be balanced with AEGP_EndQuietErrors .The AEGP_ErrReportState is an opaque structure private to After Effects.AEGP_StartQuietErrors( |
AEGP_EndQuietErrors |
Re-enables errors.AEGP_EndQuietErrors( |
AEGP_StartUndoGroup |
Add action(s) to the undo queue. The user may undo any actions between this and AEGP_EndUndoGroup() .The undo_nameZ will appear in the edit menu.AEGP_StartUndoGroup( |
AEGP_EndUndoGroup |
Ends the undo list.AEGP_EndUndoGroup(); |
AEGP_RegisterWithAEGP |
Returns an AEGP_PluginID, which effect plug-ins can then use in calls to many functions throughout the AEGP API. Effects should only call this function once, during PF_Cmd_GLOBAL_SETUP , and save the AEGP_PluginID for later use.The first parameter can be any value, and the second parameter should be the plug-in's match name. AEGP_RegisterWithAEGP( |
Retrieves After Effects' HWND; useful when displaying your own dialog on Windows. If you don't use After Effects' HWND, your modal dialog will not prevent interaction with the windows behind, and pain will ensue. AEGP_GetMainHWND( |
AEGP_ShowHideAllFloaters |
Toggles whether or not floating palettes are displayed. Use this with care; users get twitchy when you unexpectedly change the UI on them. AEGP_ShowHideAllFloaters( |
AEGP_PaintPalGetForeColor |
Retrieves the foreground color from the paint palette.AEGP_PaintPalGetForeColor( |
AEGP_PaintPalGetBackColor |
Retrieves the background color from the paint palette.AEGP_PaintPalGetBackColor( |
AEGP_PaintPalSetForeColor |
Sets the foreground color in the paint palette.AEGP_PaintPalSetForeColor( |
AEGP_PaintPalSetBackColor |
Sets the background color in the paint palette.AEGP_PaintPalSetBackColor( |
AEGP_CharPalGetFillColor |
Retrieves the fill color from the character palette.AEGP_CharPalGetFillColor( |
AEGP_CharPalGetStrokeColor |
Retrieves the stroke color from the character palette.AEGP_CharPalGetStrokeColor( |
AEGP_CharPalSetFillColor |
Sets the fill color in the character palette.AEGP_CharPalSetFillColor( |
AEGP_CharPalSetStrokeColor |
Sets the stroke color in the character palette.AEGP_CharPalSetStrokeColor( |
AEGP_CharPalIsFillColorUIFrontmost |
Returns whether or not the fill color is frontmost. If it isn't, the stroke color is frontmost.AEGP_CharPalIsFillColorUIFrontmost( |
AEGP_ConvertFpLongToHSFRatio |
Returns an A_Ratio interpretation of the given A_FpLong . Useful for horizontal scale factor interpretation.AEGP_ConvertFpLongToHSFRatio( |
AEGP_ConvertHSFRatioToFpLong |
Returns an A_FpLong interpretation of the given A_Ratio . Useful for horizontal scale factor interpretation.AEGP_ConvertHSFRatioToFpLong( |
AEGP_CauseIdleRoutinesToBeCalled |
This routine is safe to call from threads other than the main thread. It is asynchronous and will return before the idle handler is called. The suite functions to get this function pointer are not thread safe; save it off in the main thread for use by the child thread. AEGP_CauseIdleRoutinesToBeCalled(void); |
AEGP_GetSuppressInteractiveUI |
Returns whether After Effects is running without a user interface.AEGP_GetSuppressInteractiveUI( |
AEGP_WriteToOSConsole |
Sends a string to the OS console.AEGP_WriteToOSConsole( |
AEGP_WriteToDebugLog |
Writes a message to the debug log, or to the OS command line if After Effects was launched with the "-debug" option.AEGP_WriteToDebugLog( |
AEGP_GetLastErrorMessage |
Retrieves the last error message displayed to the user, and its associated error number. Pass in the size of the character buffer to be returned. AEGP_GetLastErrorMessage( |
AEGP_IsScriptingAvailable |
Returns TRUE if scripting is available to the plug-in.AEGP_IsScriptingAvailable( |
AEGP_ExecuteScript |
Have After Effects execute a script. The script passed in can be in either UTF-8 or the current application encoding (if platform_encodingB is passed in as TRUE). The two out arguments are optional. The value of the last line of the script is what is passed back in outResultPH0. AEGP_ExecuteScript( |
AEGP_HostIsActivated |
Returns TRUE if the user has successfully activated After Effects.AEGP_HostIsActivated( |
AEGP_GetPluginPlatformRef |
On macOS, returns a CFBundleRef to your Mach-O plug-in, or NULL for a CFM plug-in.Always returns NULL on Windows (you can use an OS-specific entry point to capture your DLLInstance).AEGP_GetPluginPlatformRef( |
AEGP_UpdateFontList |
Rescans the system font list.AEGP_UpdateFontList(); |
AEGP_GetPluginPaths |
New in CC. Returns a particular path associated with the plug-in:
AEGP_GetPluginPaths( |
Persistent Data Suite¶
Plug-ins have read and write access to persistent data in After Effects' preferences. AEGPs may add and manage their own persistent data using the following suite. The data entries are accessed by (section key, value key) pairs. It is recommended that plug-ins use their matchname as their section key, or as a prefix if using multiple section keys.
The available data types are A_long
, A_FpLong
, strings, and void*
. A_FpLongs
are stored with 6 decimal places of precision. There is no provision for specifying a different precision. String data supports the full 8-bit space. Only 0x00 is reserved for string ending. This makes them ideal for storing UTF-8 encoded strings, ISO 8859-1, and plain ASCII. Both section keys and value keys are of this type. For data types not represented by the simple data types provided, use data handles containing your custom data. void* unstructured data allows you to store any kind of data. You must pass in a size in bytes along with the data.
When calling any of the functions to retrieve the value of a key, if a given key is not found, the default value is both written to the blob and returned as the value; if no default is provided, a blank value will be written and returned.
Note that this data is stored in the application's preferences, not in the project. As of 6.5, there is no way to store opaque AEGP-generated data in an After Effects project.
After Effects can handle plug-ins which change the preferences during their application; it checks the in-RAM copy of the prefs before acting upon pref-able settings, rather than relying on the saved prefs. It's like we *planned* this, or something!
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetApplicationBlob |
Obtains the handle to all persistent application data. Modifying this will modify the application. The AEGP_PersistentType parameter is new in CC, and should be set to one of the following:
AEGP_GetApplicationBlob( |
AEGP_GetNumSections |
Obtains the number of sections in the application blob.AEGP_GetNumSections( |
AEGP_GetSectionKeyByIndex |
Obtains the key at the given index.AEGP_GetSectionKeyByIndex( |
AEGP_DoesKeyExist |
Returns whether or not a given key/value pair exists with the blob.AEGP_DoesKeyExist( |
AEGP_GetNumKeys |
Retrieves the number of value keys in the section.AEGP_GetNumKeys( |
AEGP_GetValueKeyByIndex |
Retrieves the value of the indexed key.AEGP_GetValueKeyByIndex( |
For the functions below, if a given key is not found, the default value is both written to the blob and returned as the value; if no default is provided, a blank value will be written and returned.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetDataHandle |
Obtains the value associated with the given section's key. If using in-memory data structures, watch for endian issues.AEGP_GetDataHandle( |
AEGP_GetData |
Obtains the data located at a given section's value.AEGP_GetData( |
AEGP_GetString |
Obtains the string for a given section key's value (and indicates its length in actual_szLu0 ).AEGP_GetString( |
AEGP_GetLong |
Obtains the A_long associated with a given section key's value.AEGP_GetLong( |
AEGP_GetFpLong |
Obtains the A_FpLong associated with a given section key's value.AEGP_GetFpLong( |
AEGP_GetTime |
New in CC. Obtains the A_Time associated with a given section key's value.AEGP_GetTime( |
New in CC. Obtains the PF_PixelFloat associated with a given section key's value.AEGP_GetARGB( |
AEGP_SetDataHandle |
Sets the given section key's value to the handle passed in.AEGP_SetDataHandle( |
AEGP_SetData |
Sets the given section key's value to the data contained in dataPV .AEGP_SetData( |
AEGP_SetString |
Sets the given section key's string to strZ .AEGP_SetString( |
AEGP_SetLong |
Sets the given section key's value to valueL .AEGP_SetLong( |
AEGP_SetFpLong |
Sets the given section key's value to valueF .AEGP_SetFpLong( |
AEGP_SetTime |
New in CC. Sets the given section key's value to valuePT .AEGP_SetTime( |
New in CC. Sets the given section key's value to valueP .AEGP_SetARGB( |
AEGP_DeleteEntry |
Removes the given section's value from the blob.AEGP_DeleteEntry( |
AEGP_GetPrefsDirectory |
Get the path to the folder containing After Effects' preference file. The path is a handle to a NULL-terminated A_UTF16Char string, and must be disposed with AEGP_FreeMemHandle .AEGP_GetPrefsDirectory( |
Color Management¶
We've provided a function so AEGPs can obtain information on After Effects' current color management settings.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetBlendingTables |
Retrieves the current opaque PF_EffectBlendingTables , for use with AEGP_TransferRect .AEGP_GetBlendingTables( |
AEGP_DoesViewHaveColorSpaceXform |
Returns whether there is a colorspace transform applied to the current item view.AEGP_DoesViewHaveColorSpaceXform( |
AEGP_XformWorkingToViewColorSpace |
Changes the view colorspace of the source to be the working colorspace of the destination. Source and destination can be the same. AEGP_XformWorkingToViewColorSpace( |
AEGP_GetNewWorkingSpaceColorProfile |
Retrieves the opaque current working space ICC profile. Must be disposed. The "New" in the name does not indicate that you're making up a new profile; rather, it's part of our function naming standard; anything with "New" in the name allocates something which the caller must dispose. AEGP_GetNewWorkingSpaceColorProfile( |
AEGP_GetNewColorProfileFromICCProfile |
Retrieves a new AEGP_ColorProfileP from After Effects, representing the specified ICC profile.The caller must dispose of the returned AEGP_ColorProfileP using AEGP_DisposeColorProfile() .AEGP_GetNewColorProfile FromICCProfile( |
AEGP_GetNewICCProfileFromColorProfile |
Retrieves a new ICC profile (stored in an AEGP_MemHandle ) representing the specified color profile.Returned AEGP_MemHandle must be disposed by the caller.AEGP_GetNewICCProfile FromColorProfile( |
AEGP_GetNewColorProfileDescription |
Returns a textual description of the specified color profile. Text will be a null-terminated UTF16 string, which must be disposed by the caller. AEGP_GetNewColorProfileDescription( |
AEGP_DisposeColorProfile |
Disposes of a color profile, obtained using other functions in this suite.AEGP_DisposeColorProfile( |
AEGP_GetColorProfileApproximateGamma |
Returns a floating point number approximating the gamma setting used by the specified color profile.AEGP_GetColorProfileApproximateGamma( |
AEGP_IsRGBColorProfile |
Returns whether the specified color profile is RGB.AEGP_IsRGBColorProfile( |
AEGP_SetWorkingColorSpace |
Sets the working space to the passed color profile.AEGP_SetWorkingColorSpace( |
AEGP_IsOCIOColorManagementUsed |
Check if the current project is using the OCIO color engine or not. Returns true if current project uses OCIO color managed mode. AEGP_IsOCIOColorManagementUsed( |
AEGP_GetOCIOConfigurationFile |
Returns the OCIO configuration file used by the project. Returned config_filePH is a handle of A_UTF16Char containing a null terminated UTF16Stringwhich holds the OCIO Configuration file. The returned string must be disposed by the caller. AEGP_GetOCIOConfigurationFile( |
AEGP_GetOCIOConfigurationFilePath |
Returns the absolute file path to the OCIO configuration used by the project The returned config_filePH is a handle of A_UTF16Char containing a null terminated UTF16String whichholds the absolute path to OCIO Configuration file. The returned string must be disposed by the caller. AEGP_GetOCIOConfigurationFilePath( |
AEGPD_GetOCIOWorkingColorSpace |
Returns the working color space of the project in OCIO mode. The returned ocio_working_colorspaceH is a handle of A_UTF16Char containing a null terminatedUTF16String which holds the string specifying the working color space. The returned string must be disposed by the caller. AEGPD_GetOCIOWorkingColorSpace( |
AEGPD_GetOCIODisplayColorSpace |
Returns the Display and View transforms used by the project. The returned ocio_displayH and ocio_viewH are handles of A_UTF16Char containing a null terminated UTF16String specifyingthe Display and View transforms used at project level. The returned strings must be disposed by the caller. AEGPD_GetOCIODisplayColorSpace( |
Render Suites¶
Since we introduced the AEGP API, we've been asked to provide functions for retrieving rendered frames.
These function suites allows you to do just that.
First, specify what you want rendered in the AEGP_RenderOptionsSuite4 or AEGP_LayerRenderOptionsSuite1.
Then do the rendering with AEGP_RenderSuite4.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_NewFromItem |
Returns the AEGP_RenderOptionsH associated with a given AEGP_ItemH .If there are no options yet specified, After Effects passes back an AEGP_RenderOptionsH with render time set to 0,time step set to the current frame duration, field render set to PF_Field_FRAME , and the depth set to the highest resolution specified within the item.AEGP_NewFromItem( |
AEGP_Duplicate |
Duplicates an AEGP_RenderOptionsH into copyPH .AEGP_Duplicate( |
AEGP_Dispose |
Deletes an AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_Dispose( |
AEGP_SetTime |
Sets the render time of an AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_SetTime( |
AEGP_GetTime |
Retrieves the render time of the given AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_GetTime( |
AEGP_SetTimeStep |
Specifies the time step (duration of a frame) for the referenced AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_SetTimeStep( |
AEGP_GetTimeStep |
Retrieves the time step (duration of a frame) for the given AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_GetTimeStep( |
AEGP_SetFieldRender |
Specifies the field settings for the given AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_SetFieldRender( |
AEGP_GetFieldRender |
Retrieves the field settings for the given AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_GetFieldRender( |
AEGP_SetWorldType |
Specifies the AEGP_WorldType of the output of a given AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_SetWorldType( AEGP_WorldType will be either AEGP_WorldType_8 or AEGP_WorldType_16 |
AEGP_GetWorldType |
Retrieves the AEGP_WorldType of the given AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_GetWorldType( |
AEGP_SetDownsampleFactor |
Specifies the downsample factor (with independent horizontal and vertical settings) for the given AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_SetDownsampleFactor( |
AEGP_GetDownsampleFactor |
Retrieves the downsample factor for the given AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_GetDownsampleFactor( |
AEGP_SetRegionOfInterest |
Specifies the region of interest sub-rectangle for the given AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_SetRegionOfInterest( |
AEGP_GetRegionOfInterest |
Retrieves the region of interest sub-rectangle for the given AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_GetRegionOfInterest( |
AEGP_SetMatteMode |
Specifies the AEGP_MatteMode for the given AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_SetMatteMode( AEGP_MatteMode will be one of the following:
AEGP_GetMatteMode |
Retrieves the AEGP_MatteMode for the given AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_GetMatteMode( |
AEGP_GetChannelOrder |
Gets the AEGP_ChannelOrder for the given AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_ChannelOrder will be either AEGP_ChannelOrder_ARGB or AEGP_ChannelOrder_BGRA .AEGP_GetChannelOrder( Factoid: this was added to facilitate live linking with Premiere Pro. |
AEGP_SetChannelOrder |
Sets the AEGP_ChannelOrder of the AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_SetChannelOrder( |
AEGP_GetRenderGuideLayers |
Passes back a boolean that is true if the render guide layers setting is on.AEGP_GetRenderGuideLayers)( |
AEGP_SetRenderGuideLayers |
Specify whether or not to render guide layers.AEGP_SetRenderGuideLayers)( |
AEGP_GetRenderQuality |
Get the render quality of the render queue item. Quality can be either AEGP_ItemQuality_DRAFT or AEGP_ItemQuality_BEST .AEGP_GetRenderQuality)( |
AEGP_SetRenderQuality |
Set the render quality of the render queue item.AEGP_GetRenderQuality)( |
New in 13.0
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_NewFromLayer |
Returns the AEGP_LayerRenderOptionsH associated with a given AEGP_LayerH .Render time is set to the layer's current time, time step is set to layer's frame duration, ROI to the layer's nominal bounds, and EffectsToRender to "all". optionsPH must be disposed by calling code.AEGP_NewFromLayer( |
AEGP_NewFromUpstreamOfEffect |
Returns the AEGP_LayerRenderOptionsH from the layer associated with a given AEGP_EffectRefH .Render time is set to the layer's current time, time step is set to layer's frame duration, ROI to the layer's nominal bounds, and EffectsToRender to the index of effectH .optionsPH must be disposed by calling code.AEGP_NewFromUpstreamOfEffect( |
AEGP_Duplicate |
Duplicates an AEGP_LayerRenderOptionsH into copyPH .AEGP_Duplicate( |
AEGP_Dispose |
Deletes an AEGP_LayerRenderOptionsH .AEGP_Dispose( |
AEGP_SetTime |
Sets the render time of an AEGP_LayerRenderOptionsH .AEGP_SetTime( |
AEGP_GetTime |
Retrieves the render time of the given AEGP_LayerRenderOptionsH .AEGP_GetTime( |
AEGP_SetTimeStep |
Specifies the time step (duration of a frame) for the referenced AEGP_LayerRenderOptionsH .AEGP_SetTimeStep( |
AEGP_GetTimeStep |
Retrieves the time step (duration of a frame) for the given AEGP_LayerRenderOptionsH .AEGP_GetTimeStep( |
AEGP_SetWorldType |
Specifies the AEGP_WorldType of the output of a given AEGP_LayerRenderOptionsH .AEGP_SetWorldType( AEGP_WorldType will be either AEGP_WorldType_8 or AEGP_WorldType_16 |
AEGP_GetWorldType |
Retrieves the AEGP_WorldType of the given AEGP_LayerRenderOptionsH .AEGP_GetWorldType( |
AEGP_SetDownsampleFactor |
Specifies the downsample factor (with independent horizontal and vertical settings) for the given AEGP_LayerRenderOptionsH .AEGP_SetDownsampleFactor( |
AEGP_GetDownsampleFactor |
Retrieves the downsample factor for the given AEGP_LayerRenderOptionsH .AEGP_GetDownsampleFactor( |
AEGP_SetMatteMode |
Specifies the AEGP_MatteMode for the given AEGP_LayerRenderOptionsH .AEGP_SetMatteMode( AEGP_MatteMode will be one of the following:
AEGP_GetMatteMode |
Retrieves the AEGP_MatteMode for the given AEGP_LayerRenderOptionsH .AEGP_GetMatteMode( |
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_RenderAndCheckoutFrame |
Retrieves an AEGP_FrameReceiptH (not the actual pixels) for the frame requested.Check in this receipt using AEGP_CheckinFrame to release memory.Create the AEGP_RenderOptionsH using the AEGP_RenderOptionsSuite4.Optionally, the AEGP can pass a function to be called by After Effects if the user cancels the current render, as well as a refcon (constant reference to opaque data) for use during that function. AEGP_RenderAndCheckoutFrame( |
AEGP_RenderAndCheckoutLayerFrame |
New in CC 2014. This allows frame checkout of a layer with effects applied at non-render time. This is useful for an operation that requires the frame, for example, when a button is clicked and it is acceptable to wait for a moment while it is rendering. Note: Since it is not asynchronous, it will not solve the general problem where custom UI needs to draw based on the frame. Retrieves an AEGP_FrameReceiptH (not the actual pixels) for the layer frame requested.Check in this receipt using AEGP_CheckinFrame to release memory.Create the AEGP_LayerRenderOptionsH using AEGP_NewFromUpstreamOfEffect() , in AEGP_LayerRenderOptionsSuite1.You can actually use AEGP_NewFromLayer() to get other layer param's layers with their effects applied.However, be careful. If you do it in your effect A, and there's an effect B on the other layer that does the same thing during rendering, you'd create an infinite loop. If you're not doing it for render purposes then it could be okay. Optionally, the AEGP can pass a function to be called by After Effects if the user cancels the current render, as well as a refcon (constant reference to opaque data) for use during that function. AEGP_RenderAndCheckoutLayerFrame( |
AEGP_CheckinFrame |
Call this function as soon as your AEGP is done accessing the frame. After Effects makes caching decisions based on which frames are checked out, so don't hog them! AEGP_CheckinFrame( |
AEGP_GetReceiptWorld |
Retrieves the pixels (AEGP_WorldH ) associated with the referenced AEGP_FrameReceiptH .AEGP_GetReceiptWorld( |
AEGP_GetRenderedRegion |
Retrieves an A_LRect containing the region of the AEGP_FrameReceiptH's AEGP_WorldH that has already been rendered.Remember that it's possible for only those portions of an image that have been changed to be rendered, so it's important to be able to check whether or not that includes the portion you need. AEGP_GetRenderedRegion( |
AEGP_IsRenderedFrameSufficient |
Given two sets of AEGP_RenderOptionsH , After Effects will return TRUE if the already-rendered pixels are still valid for the proposed AEGP_RenderOptionsH .AEGP_IsRenderedFrameSufficient( |
AEGP_RenderNewItemSoundData |
Obtains an AEGP_ItemH's audio at the given time, of the given duration, in the given format.The plug-in must dispose of the returned AEGP_SoundDataH (which may be NULL if no audio is available).AEGP_RenderNewItemSoundData( NOTE: This function, if called as part of AEGP_ItemSuite2 , provides a render interruptible using mouse clicks,unlike the version published here in AEGP_RenderSuite . |
AEGP_GetCurrentTimestamp |
Retrieves the current AEGP_TimeStamp of the project.The AEGP_TimeStamp is updated whenever an item is touched in a way that affects rendering.AEGP_GetCurrentTimestamp( |
AEGP_HasItemChangedSinceTimestamp |
Returns whether the video of an AEGP_ItemH has changed since the given AEGP_TimeStamp .Note: this does not track changes in audio. AEGP_HasItemChangedSinceTimestamp( |
AEGP_IsItemWorthwhileToRender |
Returns whether this frame would be worth rendering externally and checking in to the cache. A speculative renderer should check this twice: before sending the frame out to render and when it is complete, before calling AEGP_NewPlatformWorld() and checking in.This function is to be used with AEGP_HasItemChangedSinceTimestamp() , not alone.AEGP_IsItemWorthwhileToRender( |
AEGP_CheckinRenderedFrame |
Provide a rendered frame (AEGP_PlatformWorldH ) to After Effects, which adopts it.ticksL is the approximate time required to render the frame.AEGP_CheckinRenderedFrame( |
AEGP_GetReceiptGuid |
New in CS6. Retrieve a GUID for a rendered frame. The memory handle passed back must be disposed.AEGP_GetReceiptGuid( |
The AEGP_World As We Know It¶
are the common format used throughout the AEGP APIs to describe frames of pixels.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_New |
Returns an allocated, initialized AEGP_WorldH .AEGP_New( |
AEGP_Dispose |
Disposes of an AEGP_WorldH . Use this on every world you allocate.AEGP_Dispose( |
AEGP_GetType |
Returns the type of a given AEGP_WorldH .AEGP_GetType( AEGP_WorldType will be one of the following:
AEGP_GetSize |
Returns the width and height of the given AEGP_WorldH .AEGP_GetSize( |
AEGP_GetRowBytes |
Returns the rowbytes for the given AEGP_WorldH .AEGP_GetRowBytes( |
AEGP_GetBaseAddr8 |
Returns the base address of the AEGP_WorldH for use in pixel iteration functions.Will return an error if used on a non-8bpc world. AEGP_GetBaseAddr8( |
AEGP_GetBaseAddr16 |
Returns the base address of the AEGP_WorldH for use in pixel iteration functions.Will return an error if used on a non-16bpc world. AEGP_GetBaseAddr16( |
AEGP_GetBaseAddr32 |
Returns the base address of the AEGP_WorldH for use in pixel iteration functions.Will return an error if used on a non-32bpc world. AEGP_GetBaseAddr32( |
AEGP_FillOutPFEffectWorld |
Populates and returns a PF_EffectWorld representing the given AEGP_WorldH , for use with numerous pixel processing callbacks.NOTE: This does not give your plug-in ownership of the world referenced; destroy the source AEGP_WorldH only if you allocated it.It just fills out the provided PF_EffectWorld to point to the same pixel buffer.AEGP_FillOutPFEffectWorld( |
AEGP_FastBlur |
Performs a fast blur on a given AEGP_WorldH .AEGP_FastBlur( |
AEGP_NewPlatformWorld |
Creates a new AEGP_PlatformWorldH (a pixel world native to the execution platform).AEGP_NewPlatformWorld( |
AEGP_DisposePlatformWorld |
Disposes of an AEGP_PlatformWorldH .AEGP_DisposePlatformWorld( |
AEGP_NewReferenceFromPlatformWorld |
Retrieves an AEGP_WorldH referring to the given AEGP_PlatformWorldH .NOTE: This doesn't allocate a new world, it simply provides a reference to an existing one. AEGP_NewReferenceFromPlatformWorld( |
Track Mattes and Transform Functions¶
Use the AEGP_CompositeSuite
to copy pixel worlds, operate on track mattes, and apply transfer functions.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_ClearAlphaExceptRect |
For the given PF_EffectWorld , sets the alpha to fully transparent except for the specified rectangle.AEGP_ClearAlphaExceptRect( |
AEGP_PrepTrackMatte |
Mattes the pixels in a PF_EffectWorld with the PF_Pixel described in src_masks, putting the output into an array of pixels dst_mask.NOTE: Unlike most of the other pixel mangling functions provided by After Effects, this one doesn't take PF_EffectWorld arguments;rather, you can simply pass the data pointer from within the PF_EffectWorld .This can be confusing, but as a bonus, the function pads output appropriately so that num_pix pixels are always output.AEGP_PrepTrackMatte( |
AEGP_TransferRect |
Blends two PF_EffectWorlds using a transfer mode, with an optional mask.Pass NULL for the blend_tablesP0 parameter to perform blending in the current working color space.AEGP_TransferRect( |
AEGP_CopyBits_LQ |
Copies a rectangle of pixels (pass a NULL rectangle to get all pixels) from one PF_EffectWorld to another, at low quality.AEGP_CopyBits_LQ( |
AEGP_CopyBits_HQ_Straight |
Copies a rectangle of pixels (pass a NULL rectangle to get all pixels) from one PF_EffectWorld to another, at high quality,with a straight alpha channel. AEGP_CopyBits_HQ_Straight( |
AEGP_CopyBits_HQ_Premul |
Copies a rectangle of pixels (pass a NULL rectangle to get all pixels) from one PF_EffectWorld to another, at high quality,premultiplying the alpha channel. AEGP_CopyBits_HQ_Premul( |
Work With Audio¶
allows AEGPs to obtain and manipulate the audio associated with compositions and footage items.
Audio-only items may be added to the render queue using AEGP_RenderNewItemSoundData()
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_NewSoundData |
Creates a new AEGP_SoundDataH , of which the plug-in must dispose.AEGP_NewSoundData( |
AEGP_DisposeSoundData |
Frees an AEGP_SoundDataH .AEGP_DisposeSoundData( |
AEGP_GetSoundDataFormat |
Obtains information about the format of a given AEGP_SoundDataH .AEGP_GetSoundDataFormat( |
AEGP_LockSoundDataSamples |
Locks the AEGP_SoundDataH in memory.AEGP_LockSoundDataSamples( |
AEGP_UnlockSoundDataSamples |
Unlocks an AEGP_SoundDataH .AEGP_UnlockSoundDataSamples( |
AEGP_GetNumSamples |
Obtains the number of samples in the given AEGP_SoundDataH .AEGP_GetNumSamples( |
Audio Settings¶
Audio render settings are represented using the AEGP_SoundDataFormat
struct AEGP_SoundDataFormat {
A_FpLong sample_rateF;
AEGP_SoundEncoding encoding;
A_long bytes_per_sampleL;
A_long num_channelsL; // 1 for mono, 2 for stereo
} AEGP_SoundDataFormat;
is always either 1
, 2
, or 4
, and is ignored if float encoding is specified.
is one of the following:
Render Queue Suite¶
This suite allows AEGPs to add items the to render queue (using default options), and control the basic state of the render queue.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_AddCompToRenderQueue |
Adds a composition to the render queue, using default options.AEGP_AddCompToRenderQueue( |
AEGP_SetRenderQueueState |
Sets the render queue to one of three valid states. It is not possible to go from stopped to paused. AEGP_SetRenderQueueState(
AEGP_GetRenderQueueState |
Obtains the current render queue state.AEGP_GetRenderQueueState( |
Render Queue Item Suite¶
Manipulate all aspects of render queue items using this suite.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetNumRQItems |
Returns the number of items currently in the render queue.AEGP_GetNumRQItems( |
AEGP_GetRQItemByIndex |
Returns an AEGP_RQItemRefH referencing the index'd item.AEGP_GetRQItemByIndex( |
AEGP_GetNextRQItem |
Returns the next AEGP_RQItemRefH , for iteration purposes.To get the first AEGP_RQItemRefH , pass RQ_ITEM_INDEX_NONE for the current_rq_itemH .AEGP_GetNextRQItem( |
AEGP_GetNumOutputModulesForRQItem |
Returns the number of output modules applied to the given AEGP_RQItemRefH .AEGP_GetNumOutputModulesForRQItem( |
AEGP_GetRenderState |
Returns TRUE if the AEGP_RQItemRefH is set to render (once the user clicks the Render button).AEGP_GetRenderState( |
AEGP_SetRenderState |
Controls whether or not the AEGP_RQItemRefH will render when the user next clicks the Render button.Returns an error if called during rendering. This function will return:
AEGP_SetRenderState( |
AEGP_GetStartedTime |
Returns the time (in seconds, since 1904) that rendering began.AEGP_GetStartedTime( |
AEGP_GetElapsedTime |
Returns the time elapsed since rendering began.AEGP_GetElapsedTime( |
AEGP_GetLogType |
Returns the log type for the referenced AEGP_RQItemRefH .AEGP_GetLogType( AEGP_LogtType will have one of the following values:
AEGP_SetLogType |
Specifies the log type to be used with the referenced AEGP_RQItemRefH .AEGP_SetLogType( |
AEGP_RemoveOutputModule |
Removes the specified output module from the referenced AEGP_RQItemRefH .AEGP_RemoveOutputModule( |
AEGP_GetComment |
Updated to support Unicode in RQItemSuite4 , available in 14.1.Retrieves the comment associated with the referenced AEGP_RQItemRefH .AEGP_GetComment( |
AEGP_SetComment |
Updated to support Unicode in RQItemSuite4 , available in 14.1.Specifies the comment associated with the referenced AEGP_RQItemRefH .AEGP_SetComment( |
AEGP_GetCompFromRQItem |
Retrieves the AEGP_CompH associated with the AEGP_RQItemRefH .AEGP_GetCompFromRQItem( |
AEGP_DeleteRQItem |
Deletes the render queue item. Undoable.AEGP_DeleteRQItem( |
Render Queue Monitor Suite¶
New in CS6. This suite provides all the info a render queue manager needs to figure out what is happening at any point in a render.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_RegisterListener |
Register a set of plug-in-defined functions to be called by the render queue. Use the refcon to pass in data that you want to use later on when your plug-in-defined functions in AEGP_RQM_FunctionBlock1 are called later.It may be set it to NULL if you don't need it. AEGP_RegisterListener( The AEGP_RQM_FunctionBlock1 is defined as follows:struct _AEGP_RQM_FunctionBlock1 { AEGP_RQM_FinishedStatus will be one of the following:
The AEGP_RQM_BasicData is defined below. struct _AEGP_RQM_BasicData { |
AEGP_DeregisterListener |
Deregister from the render queue.AEGP_DeregisterListener( |
AEGP_GetProjectName |
Obtain the current project name. The project name is a handle to a NULL-terminated A_UTF16Char string, and must be disposed with AEGP_FreeMemHandle .AEGP_GetProjectName( |
AEGP_GetAppVersion |
Obtain the app version. The app version is a handle to a NULL-terminated A_UTF16Char string, and must be disposed with AEGP_FreeMemHandle .AEGP_GetAppVersion( |
AEGP_GetNumJobItems |
Obtain the number of job items.AEGP_GetNumJobItems( |
AEGP_GetJobItemID |
Get the job with the index specified.AEGP_GetJobItemID( |
AEGP_GetNumJobItemRenderSettings |
Get the number of render settings for the job with the index specified.AEGP_GetNumJobItemRenderSettings( |
AEGP_GetJobItemRenderSetting |
Get a specific render setting of a specific job. The setting name and value are handles to NULL-terminated A_UTF16Char strings, and must be disposed with AEGP_FreeMemHandle .AEGP_GetJobItemRenderSetting( |
AEGP_GetNumJobItemOutputModules |
Get the number of output modules for the job with the index specified.AEGP_GetNumJobItemOutputModules( |
AEGP_GetNumJobItemOutputModuleSettings |
Get the number of settings for the output module with the index specified.AEGP_GetNumJobItemOutputModuleSettings( |
AEGP_GetJobItemOutputModuleSetting |
Get a specific setting of a job item output module. The setting name and value are handles to NULL-terminated A_UTF16Char strings, and must be disposed with AEGP_FreeMemHandle .AEGP_GetJobItemOutputModuleSetting( |
AEGP_GetNumJobItemOutputModuleWarnings |
Get the number of output module warnings for a job item.AEGP_GetNumJobItemOutputModuleWarnings( |
AEGP_GetJobItemOutputModuleWarning |
Get a specific warning of a specific output module for a specific job item. The warning value is a handle to NULL-terminated A_UTF16Char string, and must be disposed with AEGP_FreeMemHandle .AEGP_GetJobItemOutputModuleWarning( |
AEGP_GetNumJobItemFrameProperties |
Get the number of properties for a job item frame.AEGP_GetNumJobItemFrameProperties( |
AEGP_GetJobItemFrameProperty |
Get a specific property on a job item frame. The property name and values are handle to NULL-terminated A_UTF16Char strings, and must be disposed with AEGP_FreeMemHandle .AEGP_GetJobItemFrameProperty( |
AEGP_GetNumJobItemOutputModuleProperties |
Get the number of properties for a job item output module.AEGP_GetNumJobItemOutputModuleProperties( |
AEGP_GetJobItemOutputModuleProperty |
Get a specific property off a job item output module. The property name and values are handle to NULL-terminated A_UTF16Char strings, and must be disposed with AEGP_FreeMemHandle .AEGP_GetJobItemOutputModuleProperty( |
AEGP_GetJobItemFrameThumbnail |
Get a buffer with a JPEG-encoded thumbnail of the job item frame. Pass in the maximum width and height, and the actual dimensions will be passed back. AEGP_GetJobItemFrameThumbnail( |
Output Module Suite¶
Every item in the render queue has at least one output module specified.
Use this suite to query and control all aspects of the output modules attached to a given render item.
You may also add and remove output modules.
Factoid: For each frame rendered for a given render item, the list of output modules is traversed. So, for frame 0, output module 0, then 1, then 2 are called.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetOutputModuleByIndex |
Retrieves the indexed output module. NOTE: AEGP_OutputModuleRefH is an opaque data type, and can't be manipulated directly; you must use our accessor functions to modify it.AEGP_GetOutputModuleByIndex( |
AEGP_GetEmbedOptions |
Retrieves the embedding setting specified for the referenced AEGP_OutputModuleRefH .AEGP_GetEmbedOptions( AEGP_EmbeddingType will be one of the following:
AEGP_SetEmbedOptions |
Specifies the embedding setting for the referenced AEGP_OutputModuleRefH .AEGP_SetEmbedOptions( |
AEGP_GetPostRenderAction |
Retrieves the post-render action setting for the referenced AEGP_OutputModuleRefH .AEGP_GetPostRenderAction( AEGP_PostRenderAction will be one of the following:
AEGP_SetPostRenderAction |
Specifies the post-render action setting for the referenced AEGP_OutputModuleRefH .AEGP_SetPostRenderAction( |
AEGP_GetEnabledOutputs |
Retrieves which output types are enabled for the referenced AEGP_OutputModuleRefH .AEGP_GetEnabledOutputs( AEGP_OutputTypes will contain one or both of the following values:
NOTE: These are flags, not an enumeration. |
AEGP_SetEnabledOutputs |
Specifies which output types are enabled for the referenced AEGP_OutputModuleRefH .AEGP_SetEnabledOutputs( |
AEGP_GetOutputChannels |
Retrieves which video channels are enabled for output in the referenced AEGP_OutputModuleRefH.AEGP_GetOutputChannels( AEGP_VideoChannels will be one of the following:
AEGP_SetOutputChannels |
Specifies which video channels are enabled for output in the referenced AEGP_OutputModuleRefH .AEGP_SetOutputChannels( |
AEGP_GetStretchInfo |
Retrieves the stretch information enabled for the referenced AEGP_OutputModuleRefH ;whether or not stretching is enabled, whether or not the frame aspect ratio is locked to the composition's, and what quality setting is specified. AEGP_GetStretchInfo( AEGP_StretchQuality will be one of the following:
AEGP_SetStretchInfo |
Retrieves the stretch information enabled for the referenced AEGP_OutputModuleRefH .AEGP_SetStretchInfo( |
AEGP_GetCropInfo |
Retrieves whether or not the cropping is enabled for the referenced AEGP_OutputModuleRefH , and the rectangle to be used.AEGP_GetCropInfo( |
AEGP_SetCropInfo |
Specifies whether cropping is enabled for the referenced AEGP_OutputModuleRefH , and the rectangle to be used.AEGP_SetCropInfo( |
AEGP_GetSoundFormatInfo |
Retrieves whether or not audio output is enabled for the referenced AEGP_OutputModuleRefH , and the settings to be used.AEGP_GetSoundFormatInfo( |
AEGP_SetSoundFormatInfo |
Specifies whether or not audio output is enabled for the referenced AEGP_OutputModuleRefH , and the settings to be used.AEGP_SetSoundFormatInfo( |
AEGP_GetOutputFilePath |
Retrieves the path to which AEGP_OutputModuleRefH's output file will be written.The path is a handle to a NULL-terminated A_UTF16Char string, and must be disposed with AEGP_FreeMemHandle .AEGP_GetOutputFilePath( |
AEGP_SetOutputFilePath |
Specifies the path to which AEGP_OutputModuleRefH's output file will be written.The file path is a NULL-terminated UTF-16 string with platform separators. AEGP_SetOutputFilePath( |
AEGP_AddDefaultOutputModule |
Adds the default output module to the specified AEGP_RQItemRefH ,and returns the added output module's AEGP_OutputModuleRefH (you wouldn't add it if you didn't plan to mess around with it, would you?).AEGP_AddDefaultOutputModule( |
AEGP_GetExtraOutputModuleInfo |
Retrieves information about the output module.format_uniPH and info_uniPH provide the textual description of, and information about, the output module, formatted as the user would see it.format_uniPH and info_uniPH will contain NULL-terminated UTF16 strings, of which the caller must dispose.AEGP_GetExtraOutputModuleInfo( |
Working With Effects¶
These functions provide a way for effects (and AEGPs) to obtain information about the context of an applied effect.
Any time you modify or rely on data from outside the normal render pipeline, you run the risk of dependency problems.
There is no way for After Effects to know that you depend on this external information; consequently, you will not be notified if it changes out from under you.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetEffectLayer |
Obtain the layer handle of the layer to which the effect is applied.AEGP_GetEffectLayer( |
AEGP_GetNewEffectForEffect |
Obtain the AEGP_EffectRefH corresponding to the effect.AEGP_GetNewEffectForEffect( |
AEGP_ConvertEffectToCompTime |
Retreive the composition time corresponding to the effect's layer time.AEGP_ConvertEffectToCompTime( |
AEGP_GetEffectCamera |
Obtain the camera (if any) being used by After Effects to view the effect's layer.AEGP_GetEffectCamera( |
AEGP_GetEffectCameraMatrix |
Obtain the transform used to move between the layer's coordinate space and that of the containing composition.AEGP_GetEffectCameraMatrix( NOTE: In cases where the effect's input layer has square pixels, but is in a non-square pixel composition, you must correct for the pixel aspect ratio by premultiplying the matrix by (1/parF, 1, 1) . |
AEGP_GetEffectCameraMatrix Notes¶
The model view for the camera matrix is inverse of the matrix obtained from AEGP_GetEffectCameraMatrix()
Also note that our matrix is row-based; OpenGL's is column-based.
Do This Many Times¶
Utilizes multiple processors (if available) for your computations.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_GetNumThreads |
Ask After Effects how many threads are currently available.AEGP_GetNumThreads( |
AEGP_IterateGeneric |
Specify a function for After Effects to manage on multiple processors. Can be any function pointer specified by fn_func , taking the arguments listed below.See Private Data for a description of how refconPV is used. AEGP_IterateGeneric( |
File Import Manager Suite¶
The FIMSuite allows file types handled by AEGPs to appear as part of the After Effects import dialog, and drag-and-drop messaging.
These are not for use by AEIOs! Rather, they are for importing projects which are best represented as After Effects compositions.
Function | Purpose |
AEGP_RegisterImportFlavor |
Registers the name of the file type(s) supported by the plug-in. Upon return, imp_refP will be a valid opaque reference, or AE_FIM_ImportFlavorRef_NONE .AEGP_RegisterImportFlavor( |
AEGP_RegisterImportFlavorFileTypes |
Registers an array of file types and file extensions (the two arrays need not be of equal length) supported by the AEGP.AEGP_RegisterImportFlavorFileTypes( |
AEGP_RegisterImportFlavorImportCallbacks |
Register the AEGP functions which will respond to import of different filetypes.AEGP_RegisterImportFlavorImportCallbacks( |
AEGP_SetImportedItem |
Designates an item as having been imported (possibly replacing an existing item), and sets associated import options.AEGP_SetImportedItem( |