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Parameter Supervision

Supervision means dynamically changing the values of some parameters based on the values of others. To supervise a parameter, set PF_ParamFlag_SUPERVISE before adding it during PF_Cmd_PARAM_SETUP. Whenever it is changed, you will receive PF_Cmd_USER_CHANGED_PARAM. The index (into the plug-in's parameter array) of the changed parameter is sent in the PF_UserChangedParamExtra (extra) param. During PF_Cmd_USER_CHANGED_PARAM, you may change the values and appearance of any of your parameters.

Updating Parameter UI

If you set PF_ParamFlag_SUPERVISE on any parameter, After Effects will send you PF_Cmd_UPDATE_PARAMS_UI, just as if you had set PF_OutFlag_SEND_UPDATE_PARAMS_UI.

During PF_Cmd_UPDATE_PARAMS_UI, you may only change the appearance and enable state of parameters. Use PF_UpdateParamUI() from PF_ParamUtilSuite3 to update the UI, passing it a copy of the parameter you wish to modify. Do not attempt to modify the original. It is not necessary to set PF_OutFlag_REFRESH_UI; PF_UpdateParamUI() handles that for you.


This is the only way to update the UI of PF_PUI_STD_CONTROL_ONLY parameters.

Updating Parameter Values

A parameter's value (not just UI) can be modified during PF_Cmd_USER_CHANGED_PARAM and during PF_Cmd_EVENT (PF_Event_DO_CLICK, PF_Event_DRAG, & PF_Event_KEYDOWN). After Effects will not honor changes made at other times.

When changing parameter values (and not just the UI), modify the original parameter, and set PF_Paramdef.uu.change_flags to PF_ChangeFlag_CHANGED_VALUE.

This change will be also update the UI, and will be undoable by the user. Note that PF_ChangeFlag_CHANGED_VALUE isn't supported for layer parameters.

This suite is provided to give effect plug-ins some access to their parameter streams, without requiring AEGP suite usage. At least some of these functions are provided by several third-party hosts. These functions are especially handy for effects with supervised parameters.





  PF_ProgPtr         effect_ref,
  PF_ParamIndex      param_index,
  const PF_ParamDef  *defP);

Force After Effects to refresh the parameter's UI, in the effect controls palette.

Starting in CC 2014, After Effects will now honor a change to a custom UI height. Simply change the ui_height of your custom UI PF_ParamDef and then call PF_UpdateParamUI.

The effect's custom UI height will be updated in the Effect Control Window.

Starting in CS6, when a plug-in disables a parameter, we now save that state in the UI flags so that the plug-in can check that flag in the future to see if it is disabled.


Never pass param[0] to this function.


  PF_ProgPtr     effect_ref,
  PF_ParamIndex  param_index,
  const A_Time   *startPT0,
  const A_Time   *durationPT0,
  PF_State       *stateP);

This API, combined with PF_AreStatesIdentical below, lets you determine if a set of inputs (either layers, other properties, or both) are different between when you first called PF_GetCurrentState and a current call, so it can be used for caching. You can specify a range of time to consider or all of time.

Updated in CS6 to add param_index, startPT0, and durationPT0. Pre-defined constants for param_index are as follows:

  • PF_ParamIndex_CHECK_ALL - check every parameter, including every layer referred to by a layer parameter.
  • PF_ParamIndex_CHECK_ALL_EXCEPT_LAYER_PARAMS - omit all layers. Pass a specific layer parameter index to include that as the only layer parameter tested.

Passing in NULL for both start and duration indicates all time.

For effects that do simulation across time and therefore set PF_OutFlag2_AUTOMATIC_WIDE_TIME_INPUT, when you ask about a time range, it will be expanded to include any times needed to produce that range.

Populates a PF_State, an opaque data type used as a receipt for the current state of the effect's parameters (the PF_State is used in our internal frame caching database).


  PF_ProgPtr      effect_ref,
  const PF_State  *state1P,
  const PF_State  *state2P,
  A_Boolean       *samePB);

New in CS6. Compare two different states, retrieved using PF_GetCurrentState, above.


No longer supported in PFParamUtilsSuite3.

  PF_ProgPtr     effect_ref,
  const          PF_State *stateP,
  PF_ParamIndex  param_index,
  PF_Boolean     *changedPB);

Given a PF_State, passes back true if any of the tested parameters differ from the saved state. Contrary to the name, the call does not provide a way to test a single parameter.

At a minimum, all non-layer parameters will be tested. For finer granularity to test a specific set of parameters, use PF_HaveInputsChangedOverTimeSpan below instead.

Pre-defined constants for param_index are as follows:

  • PF_ParamIndex_CHECK_ALL - check every parameter, including every layer referred to by a layer parameter.
  • PF_ParamIndex_CHECK_ALL_EXCEPT_LAYER_PARAMS - omit all layers. Pass a specific layer parameter index to include that as the only layer parameter tested.


No longer supported in PFParamUtilsSuite3. Use PF_AreStatesIdentical() instead.


  PF_ProgPtr     effect_ref,
  PF_ParamIndex  param_index,
  A_long         what_time1,
  A_long         time_step1,
  A_u_long       time_scale1,
  A_long         what_time2,
  A_long         time_step2,
  A_u_long       time_scale2,
  PF_Boolean     *identicalPB);

Returns TRUE if a parameter's value is the same at the two passed times. Note: the times need not be contiguous; there could be different intervening values.


  PF_ProgPtr     effect_ref,
  PF_ParamIndex  param_index,
  A_long         what_time,
  A_u_long       time_scale,
  PF_TimeDir     time_dir,
  PF_Boolean     *foundPB,
  PF_KeyIndex    *key_indexP0,
  A_long         *key_timeP0,
  A_u_long       *key_timescaleP0);

Searches (in the specified direction) for the next keyframe in the parameter's stream. The last three parameters are optional.


  PF_ProgPtr     effect_ref,
  PF_ParamIndex  param_index,
  PF_KeyIndex    *key_countP);

Returns the number of keyframes in the parameter's stream.


  PF_ProgPtr     effect_ref,
  PF_ParamIndex  param_index,
  PF_KeyIndex    key_index,
  A_long         *key_timeP0,
  A_u_long       *key_timescaleP0,
  PF_ParamDef    *paramP0);

Checks a keyframe for the specified parameter out of our keyframe database. param_index is zero-based. You can request time, timescale, or neither; useful if you're performing your own motion blur.


  PF_ProgPtr   effect_ref,
  PF_ParamDef  *paramP);

All calls to PF_CheckoutKeyframe must be balanced with this check-in, or pain will ensue.


  PF_ProgPtr     effect_ref,
  PF_ParamIndex  param_index,
  PF_KeyIndex    key_indexP,
  A_long         *key_timeP,
  A_u_long       *key_timescaleP);

Returns the time (and timescale) of the specified keyframe.